Source code for landlab.components.lateral_erosion.lateral_erosion

"""Grid-based simulation of lateral erosion by channels in a drainage network.


import numpy as np

from landlab import Component
from landlab import RasterModelGrid
from landlab.components.flow_accum import FlowAccumulator

from .node_finder import node_finder

# Hard coded constants
cfl_cond = 0.3  # CFL timestep condition
wid_coeff = 0.4  # coefficient for calculating channel width
wid_exp = 0.35  # exponent for calculating channel width

[docs] class LateralEroder(Component): """Laterally erode neighbor node through fluvial erosion. Landlab component that finds a neighbor node to laterally erode and calculates lateral erosion. See the publication: Langston, A.L., Tucker, G.T.: Developing and exploring a theory for the lateral erosion of bedrock channels for use in landscape evolution models. Earth Surface Dynamics, 6, 1-27, ` <>`_ Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from landlab import RasterModelGrid >>> from landlab.components import FlowAccumulator, LateralEroder >>> np.random.seed(2010) Define grid and initial topography * 5x4 grid with baselevel in the lower left corner * All other boundary nodes closed * Initial topography is plane tilted up to the upper right with noise >>> mg = RasterModelGrid((5, 4), xy_spacing=10.0) >>> mg.set_status_at_node_on_edges( ... right=mg.BC_NODE_IS_CLOSED, ... top=mg.BC_NODE_IS_CLOSED, ... left=mg.BC_NODE_IS_CLOSED, ... bottom=mg.BC_NODE_IS_CLOSED, ... ) >>> mg.status_at_node[1] = mg.BC_NODE_IS_FIXED_VALUE >>> rand_noise = np.array( ... [ ... [0.00436992, 0.03225985, 0.03107455, 0.00461312], ... [0.03771756, 0.02491226, 0.09613959, 0.07792969], ... [0.08707156, 0.03080568, 0.01242658, 0.08827382], ... [0.04475065, 0.07391732, 0.08221057, 0.02909259], ... [0.03499337, 0.09423741, 0.01883171, 0.09967794], ... ] ... ).flatten() >>> mg.at_node["topographic__elevation"] = ( ... mg.node_y / 10.0 + mg.node_x / 10.0 + rand_noise ... ) >>> U = 0.001 >>> dt = 100 Instantiate flow accumulation and lateral eroder and run each for one step >>> fa = FlowAccumulator( ... mg, ... surface="topographic__elevation", ... flow_director="FlowDirectorD8", ... runoff_rate=None, ... depression_finder=None, ... ) >>> latero = LateralEroder(mg, latero_mech="UC", Kv=0.001, Kl_ratio=1.5) Run one step of flow accumulation and lateral erosion to get the dzlat array needed for the next part of the test. >>> fa.run_one_step() >>> mg, dzlat = latero.run_one_step(dt) Evolve the landscape until the first occurence of lateral erosion. Save arrays volume of lateral erosion and topographic elevation before and after the first occurence of lateral erosion >>> while min(dzlat) == 0.0: ... oldlatvol = mg.at_node["volume__lateral_erosion"].copy() ... oldelev = mg.at_node["topographic__elevation"].copy() ... fa.run_one_step() ... mg, dzlat = latero.run_one_step(dt) ... newlatvol = mg.at_node["volume__lateral_erosion"] ... newelev = mg.at_node["topographic__elevation"] ... mg.at_node["topographic__elevation"][mg.core_nodes] += U * dt ... Before lateral erosion occurs, *volume__lateral_erosion* has values at nodes 6 and 10. >>> np.around(oldlatvol, decimals=0) array([ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 79., 0., 0., 0., 24., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]) After lateral erosion occurs at node 6, *volume__lateral_erosion* is reset to 0 >>> np.around(newlatvol, decimals=0) array([ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 24., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]) After lateral erosion at node 6, elevation at node 6 is reduced by -1.41 (the elevation change stored in dzlat[6]). It is also provided as the at-node grid field *lateral_erosion__depth_increment*. >>> np.around(oldelev, decimals=2) array([0. , 1.03, 2.03, 3. , 1.04, 1.77, 2.45, 4.08, 2.09, 2.65, 3.18, 5.09, 3.04, 3.65, 4.07, 6.03, 4.03, 5.09, 6.02, 7.1 ]) >>> np.around(newelev, decimals=2) array([0. , 1.03, 2.03, 3. , 1.04, 1.77, 1.03, 4.08, 2.09, 2.65, 3.18, 5.09, 3.04, 3.65, 4.07, 6.03, 4.03, 5.09, 6.02, 7.1 ]) >>> np.around(dzlat, decimals=2) array([ 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , -1.41, 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. ]) References ---------- **Required Software Citation(s) Specific to this Component** Langston, A., Tucker, G. (2018). Developing and exploring a theory for the lateral erosion of bedrock channels for use in landscape evolution models. Earth Surface Dynamics 6(1), 1--27. **Additional References** None Listed """ _name = "LateralEroder" _unit_agnostic = False _cite_as = """ @article{langston2018developing, author = {Langston, A. L. and Tucker, G. E.}, title = {{Developing and exploring a theory for the lateral erosion of bedrock channels for use in landscape evolution models}}, doi = {10.5194/esurf-6-1-2018}, pages = {1---27}, number = {1}, volume = {6}, journal = {Earth Surface Dynamics}, year = {2018} } """ _info = { "drainage_area": { "dtype": float, "intent": "in", "optional": False, "units": "m**2", "mapping": "node", "doc": "Upstream accumulated surface area contributing to the node's discharge", }, "flow__receiver_node": { "dtype": int, "intent": "in", "optional": False, "units": "-", "mapping": "node", "doc": "Node array of receivers (node that receives flow from current node)", }, "flow__upstream_node_order": { "dtype": int, "intent": "in", "optional": False, "units": "-", "mapping": "node", "doc": "Node array containing downstream-to-upstream ordered list of node IDs", }, "lateral_erosion__depth_increment": { "dtype": float, "intent": "out", "optional": False, "units": "m", "mapping": "node", "doc": "Change in elevation at each node from lateral erosion during time step", }, "sediment__influx": { "dtype": float, "intent": "out", "optional": False, "units": "m3/y", "mapping": "node", "doc": "Sediment flux (volume per unit time of sediment entering each node)", }, "topographic__elevation": { "dtype": float, "intent": "inout", "optional": False, "units": "m", "mapping": "node", "doc": "Land surface topographic elevation", }, "topographic__steepest_slope": { "dtype": float, "intent": "in", "optional": False, "units": "-", "mapping": "node", "doc": "The steepest *downhill* slope", }, "volume__lateral_erosion": { "dtype": float, "intent": "out", "optional": False, "units": "m3", "mapping": "node", "doc": "Array tracking volume eroded at each node from lateral erosion", }, }
[docs] def __init__( self, grid, latero_mech="UC", alph=0.8, Kv=0.001, Kl_ratio=1.0, solver="basic", inlet_on=False, inlet_node=None, inlet_area=None, qsinlet=0.0, flow_accumulator=None, ): """ Parameters ---------- grid : ModelGrid A Landlab square cell raster grid object latero_mech : string, optional (defaults to UC) Lateral erosion algorithm, choices are "UC" for undercutting-slump model and "TB" for total block erosion alph : float, optional (defaults to 0.8) Parameter describing potential for deposition, dimensionless Kv : float, node array, or field name Bedrock erodibility in vertical direction, 1/years Kl_ratio : float, optional (defaults to 1.0) Ratio of lateral to vertical bedrock erodibility, dimensionless solver : string Solver options: (1) 'basic' (default): explicit forward-time extrapolation. Simple but will become unstable if time step is too large or if bedrock erodibility is vry high. (2) 'adaptive': subdivides global time step as needed to prevent slopes from reversing. inlet_node : integer, optional Node location of inlet (source of water and sediment) inlet_area : float, optional Drainage area at inlet node, must be specified if inlet node is "on", m^2 qsinlet : float, optional Sediment flux supplied at inlet, optional. m3/year flow_accumulator : Instantiated Landlab FlowAccumulator, optional When solver is set to "adaptive", then a valid Landlab FlowAccumulator must be passed. It will be run within sub-timesteps in order to update the flow directions and drainage area. """ super().__init__(grid) assert isinstance( grid, RasterModelGrid ), "LateralEroder requires a sqare raster grid." if "flow__receiver_node" in grid.at_node and grid.at_node[ "flow__receiver_node" ].size != grid.size("node"): raise NotImplementedError( "A route-to-multiple flow director has been " "run on this grid. The LateralEroder is not currently " "compatible with route-to-multiple methods. Use a route-to-" "one flow director." ) if solver not in ("basic", "adaptive"): raise ValueError( "value for solver not understood ({val} not one of {valid})".format( val=solver, valid=", ".join(("basic", "adaptive")) ) ) if latero_mech not in ("UC", "TB"): raise ValueError( "value for latero_mech not understood ({val} not one of {valid})".format( val=latero_mech, valid=", ".join(("UC", "TB")) ) ) if inlet_on and (inlet_node is None or inlet_area is None): raise ValueError( "inlet_on is True, but no inlet_node or inlet_area is provided." ) if Kv is None: raise ValueError( "Kv must be set as a float, node array, or field name. It was None." ) if solver == "adaptive": if not isinstance(flow_accumulator, FlowAccumulator): raise ValueError( "When the adaptive solver is used, a valid " "FlowAccumulator must be passed on " "instantiation." ) self._flow_accumulator = flow_accumulator # Create fields needed for this component if not already existing if "volume__lateral_erosion" not in grid.at_node: grid.add_zeros("volume__lateral_erosion", at="node") self._vol_lat = grid.at_node["volume__lateral_erosion"] if "sediment__influx" not in grid.at_node: grid.add_zeros("sediment__influx", at="node") self._qs_in = grid.at_node["sediment__influx"] if "lateral_erosion__depth_increment" not in grid.at_node: grid.add_zeros("lateral_erosion__depth_increment", at="node") self._dzlat = grid.at_node["lateral_erosion__depth_increment"] # for backward compatibility (remove in version 3.0.0+) grid.at_node["sediment__flux"] = grid.at_node["sediment__influx"] # you can specify the type of lateral erosion model you want to use. # But if you don't the default is the undercutting-slump model if latero_mech == "TB": self._TB = True self._UC = False else: self._UC = True self._TB = False # option use adaptive time stepping. Default is fixed dt supplied by user if solver == "basic": self.run_one_step = self.run_one_step_basic elif solver == "adaptive": self.run_one_step = self.run_one_step_adaptive self._alph = alph self._Kv = Kv # can be overwritten with spatially variable self._Klr = float(Kl_ratio) # default ratio of Kv/Kl is 1. Can be overwritten self._dzdt = grid.add_zeros( "dzdt", at="node", clobber=True ) # elevation change rate (M/Y) # optional inputs self._inlet_on = inlet_on if inlet_on: self._inlet_node = inlet_node self._inlet_area = inlet_area # runoff is an array with values of the area of each node (dx**2) runoffinlet = np.full(grid.number_of_nodes, grid.dx**2, dtype=float) # Change the runoff at the inlet node to node area + inlet node runoffinlet[inlet_node] += inlet_area grid.add_field("water__unit_flux_in", runoffinlet, at="node", clobber=True) # set qsinlet at inlet node. This doesn't have to be provided, defaults # to 0. self._qsinlet = qsinlet self._qs_in[self._inlet_node] = self._qsinlet # handling Kv for floats (inwhich case it populates an array N_nodes long) or # for arrays of Kv. Checks that length of Kv array is good. self._Kv = np.ones(self._grid.number_of_nodes, dtype=float) * Kv
[docs] def run_one_step_basic(self, dt=1.0): """Calculate vertical and lateral erosion for a time period 'dt'. Parameters ---------- dt : float Model timestep [T] """ Klr = self._Klr grid = self._grid UC = self._UC TB = self._TB inlet_on = self._inlet_on # this is a true/false flag Kv = self._Kv qs_in = self._qs_in dzdt = self._dzdt alph = self._alph vol_lat = self._grid.at_node["volume__lateral_erosion"] kw = 10.0 F = 0.02 # May 2, runoff calculated below (in m/s) is important for calculating # discharge and water depth correctly. renamed runoffms to prevent # confusion with other uses of runoff runoffms = (Klr * F / kw) ** 2 # Kl is calculated from ratio of lateral to vertical K parameters Kl = Kv * Klr z = grid.at_node["topographic__elevation"] # clear qsin for next loop qs_in = grid.add_zeros("sediment__influx", at="node", clobber=True) qs = grid.add_zeros("qs", at="node", clobber=True) lat_nodes = np.zeros(grid.number_of_nodes, dtype=int) dzver = np.zeros(grid.number_of_nodes) vol_lat_dt = np.zeros(grid.number_of_nodes) # dz_lat needs to be reset. Otherwise, once a lateral node # erode's once, it will continue eroding at every subsequent # time setp. If you want to track all lateral erosion, create # another attribute, or add self.dzlat to itself after each time step. self._dzlat.fill(0.0) if inlet_on is True: inlet_node = self._inlet_node qsinlet = self._qsinlet qs_in[inlet_node] = qsinlet q = grid.at_node["surface_water__discharge"] da = q / grid.dx**2 # if inlet flag is not on, proceed as normal. else: da = grid.at_node["drainage_area"] # flow__upstream_node_order is node array contianing downstream to # upstream order list of node ids s = grid.at_node["flow__upstream_node_order"] max_slopes = grid.at_node["topographic__steepest_slope"] flowdirs = grid.at_node["flow__receiver_node"] # make a list l, where node status is interior (signified by label 0) in s interior_s = s[np.where(grid.status_at_node[s] == 0)[0]] dwnst_nodes = interior_s.copy() # reverse list so we go from upstream to down stream dwnst_nodes = dwnst_nodes[::-1] max_slopes[:] = max_slopes.clip(0) for i in dwnst_nodes: # calc deposition and erosion dep = alph * qs_in[i] / da[i] ero = -Kv[i] * da[i] ** (0.5) * max_slopes[i] dzver[i] = dep + ero # potential lateral erosion initially set to 0 petlat = 0.0 # water depth in meters, needed for lateral erosion calc wd = wid_coeff * (da[i] * runoffms) ** wid_exp # Choose lateral node for node i. If node i flows downstream, continue. # if node i is the first cell at the top of the drainage network, don't go # into this loop because in this case, node i won't have a "donor" node if i in flowdirs: # node_finder picks the lateral node to erode based on angle # between segments between three nodes [lat_node, inv_rad_curv] = node_finder(grid, i, flowdirs, da) # node_finder returns the lateral node ID and the radius of curvature lat_nodes[i] = lat_node # if the lateral node is not 0 or -1 continue. lateral node may be # 0 or -1 if a boundary node was chosen as a lateral node. then # radius of curavature is also 0 so there is no lateral erosion if lat_node > 0 and z[lat_node] > z[i]: # if the elevation of the lateral node is higher than primary node, # calculate a new potential lateral erosion (L/T), which is negative petlat = -Kl[i] * da[i] * max_slopes[i] * inv_rad_curv # the calculated potential lateral erosion is mutiplied by # the length of the node and the bank height, then added # to an array, vol_lat_dt, for volume eroded laterally # *per timestep* at each node. This vol_lat_dt is reset to zero for # each timestep loop. vol_lat_dt is added to itself in case # more than one primary nodes are laterally eroding this lat_node # volume of lateral erosion per timestep vol_lat_dt[lat_node] += abs(petlat) * grid.dx * wd # send sediment downstream. sediment eroded from vertical incision # and lateral erosion is sent downstream # print("debug before 406") qs_in[flowdirs[i]] += ( qs_in[i] - (dzver[i] * grid.dx**2) - (petlat * grid.dx * wd) ) # qsin to next node qs[:] = qs_in - (dzver * grid.dx**2) dzdt[:] = dzver * dt vol_lat[:] += vol_lat_dt * dt # this loop determines if enough lateral erosion has happened to change # the height of the neighbor node. for i in dwnst_nodes: lat_node = lat_nodes[i] wd = wid_coeff * (da[i] * runoffms) ** wid_exp # greater than zero now bc inactive neighbors are value -1 if lat_node > 0 and z[lat_node] > z[i]: # vol_diff is the volume that must be eroded from lat_node so that its # elevation is the same as node downstream of primary node # UC model: this would represent undercutting (the water height at # node i), slumping, and instant removal. if UC == 1: voldiff = (z[i] + wd - z[flowdirs[i]]) * grid.dx**2 # TB model: entire lat node must be eroded before lateral erosion # occurs if TB == 1: voldiff = (z[lat_node] - z[flowdirs[i]]) * grid.dx**2 # if the total volume eroded from lat_node is greater than the volume # needed to be removed to make node equal elevation, # then instantaneously remove this height from lat node. already has # timestep in it if vol_lat[lat_node] >= voldiff: self._dzlat[lat_node] = z[flowdirs[i]] - z[lat_node] # -0.001 # after the lateral node is eroded, reset its volume eroded to # zero vol_lat[lat_node] = 0.0 # combine vertical and lateral erosion. dz = dzdt + self._dzlat # change height of landscape z[:] += dz return grid, self._dzlat
[docs] def run_one_step_adaptive(self, dt=1.0): """Run time step with adaptive time stepping to prevent slope flattening.""" Klr = self._Klr grid = self._grid UC = self._UC TB = self._TB inlet_on = self._inlet_on # this is a true/false flag Kv = self._Kv qs_in = self._qs_in dzdt = self._dzdt alph = self._alph vol_lat = self._grid.at_node["volume__lateral_erosion"] kw = 10.0 F = 0.02 runoffms = (Klr * F / kw) ** 2 Kl = Kv * Klr z = grid.at_node["topographic__elevation"] # clear qsin for next loop qs_in = grid.add_zeros("sediment__influx", at="node", clobber=True) qs = grid.add_zeros("qs", at="node", clobber=True) lat_nodes = np.zeros(grid.number_of_nodes, dtype=int) dzver = np.zeros(grid.number_of_nodes) vol_lat_dt = np.zeros(grid.number_of_nodes) # dz_lat needs to be reset. Otherwise, once a lateral node erode's # once, it will continue eroding at every subsequent time setp. # If you want to track all lateral erosion, create another attribute, # or add self.dzlat to itself after each time step. self._dzlat.fill(0.0) if inlet_on is True: # define inlet_node inlet_node = self._inlet_node qsinlet = self._qsinlet qs_in[inlet_node] = qsinlet q = grid.at_node["surface_water__discharge"] da = q / grid.dx**2 # if inlet flag is not on, proceed as normal. else: # renamed this drainage area set by flow router da = grid.at_node["drainage_area"] s = grid.at_node["flow__upstream_node_order"] max_slopes = grid.at_node["topographic__steepest_slope"] flowdirs = grid.at_node["flow__receiver_node"] interior_s = s[np.where(grid.status_at_node[s] == 0)[0]] dwnst_nodes = interior_s.copy() # reverse list so we go from upstream to down stream dwnst_nodes = dwnst_nodes[::-1] # local time time = 0.0 globdt = dt while time < globdt: max_slopes[:] = max_slopes.clip(0) # here calculate dzdt for each node, with initial time step for i in dwnst_nodes: dep = alph * qs_in[i] / da[i] ero = -Kv[i] * da[i] ** (0.5) * max_slopes[i] dzver[i] = dep + ero petlat = 0.0 # water depth in meters, needed for lateral erosion calc wd = wid_coeff * (da[i] * runoffms) ** wid_exp if i in flowdirs: # node_finder picks the lateral node to erode based on angle # between segments between three nodes [lat_node, inv_rad_curv] = node_finder(grid, i, flowdirs, da) # node_finder returns the lateral node ID and the radius of # curvature lat_nodes[i] = lat_node # if the lateral node is not 0 or -1 continue. if lat_node > 0 and z[lat_node] > z[i]: # if the elevation of the lateral node is higher than # primary node, calculate a new potential lateral # erosion (L/T), which is negative petlat = -Kl[i] * da[i] * max_slopes[i] * inv_rad_curv # the calculated potential lateral erosion is mutiplied # by the length of the node and the bank height, then # added to an array, vol_lat_dt, for volume eroded # laterally *per timestep* at each node. This vol_lat_dt # is reset to zero for each timestep loop. vol_lat_dt # is added to itself more than one primary nodes are # laterally eroding this lat_node volume of lateral # erosion per timestep vol_lat_dt[lat_node] += abs(petlat) * grid.dx * wd # send sediment downstream. sediment eroded from vertical incision # and lateral erosion is sent downstream qs_in[flowdirs[i]] += ( qs_in[i] - (dzver[i] * grid.dx**2) - (petlat * grid.dx * wd) ) # qsin to next node # summing qs for this entire timestep qs[:] += qs_in - (dzver * grid.dx**2) dzdt[:] = dzver # Do a time-step check # If the downstream node is eroding at a slower rate than the # upstream node, there is a possibility of flow direction reversal, # or at least a flattening of the landscape. # Limit dt so that this flattening or reversal doesn't happen. # How close you allow these two points to get to eachother is # determined by the cfl timestep condition, hard coded to equal 0.3 # dtn is an arbitrarily large number to begin with, but will be # adapted as we step through the nodes dtn = dt * 50 # starting minimum timestep for this round for i in dwnst_nodes: # are points converging? ie, downstream eroding slower than upstream dzdtdif = dzdt[flowdirs[i]] - dzdt[i] # if points converging, find time to zero slope if dzdtdif > 1.0e-5 and max_slopes[i] > 1e-5: # time to flat between points dtflat = (z[i] - z[flowdirs[i]]) / dzdtdif # if time to flat is smaller than dt, take the lower value if dtflat < dtn: dtn = dtflat # assert dtn>0, "dtn <0 at dtflat" # if dzdtdif*dtflat will make upstream lower than downstream, find # time to flat if dzdtdif * dtflat > (z[i] - z[flowdirs[i]]): dtn = (z[i] - z[flowdirs[i]]) / dzdtdif dtn *= cfl_cond # new minimum timestep for this round of nodes dt = min(abs(dtn), dt) assert dt > 0.0, "timesteps less than 0." # vol_lat is the total volume eroded from the lateral nodes through # the entire model run. So vol_lat is itself plus vol_lat_dt (for current loop) # times stable timestep size vol_lat[:] += vol_lat_dt * dt # this loop determines if enough lateral erosion has happened to change # the height of the neighbor node. for i in dwnst_nodes: lat_node = lat_nodes[i] wd = wid_coeff * (da[i] * runoffms) ** wid_exp # greater than zero now bc inactive neighbors are value -1 if lat_node > 0 and z[lat_node] > z[i]: # vol_diff is the volume that must be eroded from lat_node so that its # elevation is the same as node downstream of primary node # UC model: this would represent undercutting (the water height # at node i), slumping, and instant removal. if UC == 1: voldiff = (z[i] + wd - z[flowdirs[i]]) * grid.dx**2 # TB model: entire lat node must be eroded before lateral # erosion occurs if TB == 1: voldiff = (z[lat_node] - z[flowdirs[i]]) * grid.dx**2 # if the total volume eroded from lat_node is greater than the volume # needed to be removed to make node equal elevation, # then instantaneously remove this height from lat node. already # has timestep in it if vol_lat[lat_node] >= voldiff: self._dzlat[lat_node] = z[flowdirs[i]] - z[lat_node] # -0.001 # after the lateral node is eroded, reset its volume eroded # to zero vol_lat[lat_node] = 0.0 # multiply dzdt by timestep size and combine with lateral erosion # self._dzlat, which is already a length for the calculated time step dz = dzdt * dt + self._dzlat # change height of landscape z[:] += dz # update elapsed time time = dt + time # check to see that you are within 0.01% of the global timestep, if so # done, if not continue if time > 0.9999 * globdt: time = globdt else: dt = globdt - time qs_in = grid.zeros(centering="node") # recalculate flow directions (da, q) = self._flow_accumulator.accumulate_flow() if inlet_on: # if inlet on, reset drainage area and qsin to reflect inlet conditions # this is the drainage area needed for code below with an inlet # set by spatially varible runoff. da = q / grid.dx**2 qs_in[inlet_node] = qsinlet else: # otherwise, drainage area is just drainage area. da = grid.at_node["drainage_area"] s = grid.at_node["flow__upstream_node_order"] max_slopes = grid.at_node["topographic__steepest_slope"] q = grid.at_node["surface_water__discharge"] flowdirs = grid.at_node["flow__receiver_node"] interior_s = s[np.where(grid.status_at_node[s] == 0)[0]] dwnst_nodes = interior_s.copy() dwnst_nodes = dwnst_nodes[::-1] lat_nodes = np.zeros(grid.number_of_nodes, dtype=int) self._dzlat = np.zeros(grid.number_of_nodes) vol_lat_dt = np.zeros(grid.number_of_nodes) dzver = np.zeros(grid.number_of_nodes) return grid, self._dzlat