What goes into a Landlab model?

In the previous section, Grid we showed you most of the core functionality of the Landlab grid. In this section, we introduce you to how to actually use it to build models and work with the Landlab component library.

Using Landlab requires that you build a Python script to import, instantiate, and then run your landscape model. We describe such a script as a driver. It’s also possible to do the same set of processes on the fly in an interactive Python environment like iPython.

Typically, a driver file will consist of six distinct sections:

  • Import the Python and Landlab libraries you’ll need to run your model

  • Instantiate the Landlab elements (grid and, if using them, components)

  • Load any necessary data into the grid fields

  • Set the boundary conditions

  • Run the model, typically by creating a for loop or using a Landlab generator (see below)

  • Finalize and handle the data (e.g., plot, export)

Beyond the driver, if you’re using Landlab components, you’ll probably also need a parameter file. This file supplies the components with the additional parameter and setup information they need. Landlab parameter files are text files .txt, have fixed format, and for convenience (so you only have to specify the minimum of path information in the file name) should be placed in the same folder as the driver file. Find out more about parameter files here. However, if you’re not using components, there’s little need to create a parameter file; you can just directly pass other parameters to the grid in the driver.

A brief introduction to components

A key strength of Landlab is that not only is it designed to make implementing your own process simulations as simple as possible, but it also offers an off-the-shelf library of pre-designed process descriptions that you can use in your drivers. We call these process simulators Landlab components. The intention is that each component be:

  • Plug-and-play

  • Interoperable with all other components

  • Implementable in your driver in only one or two lines of code

By no means is using the component library necessary or even always desirable when working with Landlab. However, we hope that components will dramatically reduce the time investment needed to implement a wide variety of modeling scenarios. In particular, components should make producing models that couple more than one process significantly easier because existing, off-the-shelf components can be slotted in alongside novel process descriptions.

A list of the current components is found within the Reference guide components section.

Note that not all components will run under all conditions, but any limitations should be made clear in the documentation associated with that component.

In particular, some components may demand you are running on a regular grid. It should probably also be emphasized that most of these components are still under active development within this beta release of Landlab, and may behave in idiosyncratic ways or be subject to sudden changes with little or no warning. In all cases, before setting out on any major research challenges using a component, we’d recommend contacting the original coder of the component to let them know they have external users to think about!

Implementing a Landlab driver

As noted above, the process of creating a driver is essentially equivalent whether you want to implement Landlab components, purely use your own code, or combine some mixture of the two. Here we take a closer look at the various steps.

1. Import the libraries and functions you need

Landlab handles a lot like NumPy, and like NumPy you’ll need to import the various libraries and functions that you’ll want to use. At the very least, we suspect you’ll need from outside Landlab:

  • NumPy itself

  • rudimentary Pylab plotting routines: plot, show, figure

Also useful can be:

  • the Python module time, to time various parts of your code elements

  • from SciPy, the scientific computing library. Lots of useful methods (e.g., matrix solutions, curve fitting) can be found in here, to avoid reinventing the wheel.

From inside Landlab, you’ll also need:

A specific example might be:

import numpy as np
from pylab import show, figure, plot
import time
from landlab import RasterModelGrid
from landlab.components import FlowAccumlator
from landlab.plot.imshow import imshow_node_grid

2. Instantiate objects

As noted in previous sections, Landlab is coded in an object-oriented style. This means that we need to “instantiate” the various Landlab objects such as the grid and the components that we will use to store data and run the model.

Note that most components require the grid object be passed to them as one of their arguments during instantiation, so the first thing you’ll want to instantiate will be the grid.

Check the docstrings for each class (grid, component) you want to instantiate for a detailed description of what you need to supply as arguments.

For a RasterModelGrid, this will be ((i, j), [node_spacing]). Here, (i, j) is a tuple where i is the number of rows and j the number of columns, and node_spacing is an optional second tuple or float. If you want uniform node spacing in the y and x directions, use a float, otherwise use a tuple to specify (dy, dx) if you want them to be different (see example immediately below). Spacing will default to (1., 1.). [Landlab also recognizes an older style of RasterModelGrid signature, which looks like (number_of_node_rows, number_of_node_columns, node_spacing(optional)), and is clever enough to work with this form.] For a VoronoiDelaunayGrid, the signature will be (array_of_node_x_coords, array_of_node_y_coords). For a generic component, it will typically be (ModelGrid, 'path_to_parameter_file.txt'), though there may be some variation, and optional inputs may also be available.

Give each object you instantiate a variable name. We like mg for ModelGrid objects and some appropriate abbreviation for a component.

An example might be:

mg = RasterModelGrid((10, 10), xy_spacing(1.0, 2.0))  # 100 nodes, dy=1., dx=2.
fr = FlowAccumlator(mg)

3. Load/create data in fields

(See this section if you don’t know what a Landlab field is.)

Now we need some data to work with. Here we’ll assume that you’re going to be working with a DEM-style elevation map across the nodes of the grid, but similar considerations would apply for any other type of data.

You will likely be in one of two situations regarding the initial data you want to put on the grid—either you will have some external data source that you want to load in and use as your initial conditions (e.g., a DEM of some basin, or some other real topography), or you want to set up some simple analytical initial condition like a flat surface with noise or an inclined surface.

In both cases, we advocate a two step process: creating a NumPy array of the data, then loading it into the grid as a field. We can illustrate both of the above cases:

mg = RasterModelGrid((10, 10), 1.0)  # make a grid
z = np.zeros(100, dtype=float)  # make a flat surface, elev 0
# or…
z = mg.node_y * 0.01  # a flat surface dipping shallowly south
# add a little noise to the surface:
z += np.random.rand(100.0) / 10000.0
# create the field:
mg.add_field("node", "topographic__elevation", z, units="m")

Alternatively, we can use the specialized Landlab function read_esri_ascii to import an ascii raster that can be output from ARC. Note this function both creates the grid for you and loads the data as a field if you provide name. If not, you’ll have to load the data output (z, below) manually

from landlab.io import read_esri_ascii

mg, z = read_esri_ascii("my_ARC_output.asc", name="topographic__elevation")
np.all(mg.at_node["topographic__elevation"] == z)

Note that if you don’t want to use any Landlab components, you can continue to work with data as “free floating” NumPy arrays, and can ignore the fields (e.g., see this simple introductory tutorial).

4. Set the boundary conditions

Once you have a grid and the initial condition data you’ll need, it’s time to set the boundary conditions. If you’re working with a raster, or some pre-existing imported data, this is very straightforward using the built in RasterModelGrid functions. For a raster where only the edges are to be boundary nodes

mg.set_fixed_value_boundaries_at_grid_edges(False, True, False, True)
mg.set_closed_boundaries_at_grid_edges(True, False, True, False)

This will give a grid with fixed value boundaries at the left and right edges, and closed boundaries at the top and bottom.

If you’re working with, say, an ARC imported array with a null value on the closed nodes (e.g., -9999), you can do this

mg.set_nodata_nodes_to_closed(mg.at_node["topographic__elevation"], -9999)

(Be aware that you’re still likely to have to reopen an outlet node manually! In which case you’ll also need to follow the instructions below.)

If you’re working with individual node’s boundary statuses, you’ll need to set the boundary conditions by hand. This means individually modifying the boundary condition status of each node or link that you want to be of the new type. Fortunately, Landlab uses some Python magic to make sure that when you update, for example, the status of a node, the statuses of attached links and cells change concomitantly. For example

# find the ID of the lowest elevation core node.
# we'll make this a fixed gradient outlet:
outlet_id = mg.core_nodes[

# show there are no links with *mg.BC_LINK_IS_FIXED* boundary conditions
# in the grid yet:
np.any(mg.status_at_link == mg.BC_LINK_IS_FIXED)

# update the outlet node:
mg.status_at_node[outlet_id] = mg.BC_LINK_IS_FIXED
np.any(mg.status_at_link == mg.BC_LINK_IS_FIXED)

# the corresponding link has been automatically updated.

5. Run the model

We’re now ready to actually implement a run of our model! Most things you might want to do with Landlab are probably time-sensitive, so in almost all cases, you’ll probably be placing the guts of your simulation inside a loop of some sort. In simple cases, you can just use some variation on a simple for loop or while statement, either:

dt = 10.0
for tstep in xrange(100):
    # ...do the thing for one timestep dt


dt = 10.0
accumulated_time = 0.0
while accumulated_time < 1000.0:
    # ...do the thing for one timestep dt
    accumulated_time += dt

Both produce 1000 time units of run, with an explicit timestep of 10. Notice that the latter technique is particularly amenable to situations where your explicit timestep is varying (e.g., a storm sequence). (For more on time steps in numerical models see the Time Steps page.)

Landlab also however has a built in storm generator component, PrecipitationDistribution, which (as its name suggests) acts as a true Python generator. The main method is yield_storm_interstorm_duration_intensity. This means producing a storm series in Landlab is also very easy:

from landlab.components.uniform_precip import PrecipitationDistribution

time_to_run = 500000.0
precip_perturb = PrecipitationDistribution(
    input_file=input_file_string, total_t=time_to_run
for (
) in precip_perturb.yield_storm_interstorm_duration_intensity():
    if rainfall_rate != 0.0:
        # ...do the thing, making sure to pass it the current
        # interval_duration and rainfall_rate

Notice that the advantage of the generator is that it just stops when the desired number of events/time duration has expired! See the end of this tutorial for an example of this generator in action.

What exactly “…do the thing” consists of is up to you. You can either design your own operations to do in the loop for yourself, or you can implement processes from Landlab’s component library. See here for more information on using the components.

6. Finalize and handle the data

Once the looping is complete, the model is effectively finished. However, you will still need to output the data somehow! Some options include:

Save or export the data

If you’re using a raster grid, you can easily save your grid output to either ESRI ascii (i.e., ARCmap) or open source netCDF formats. netCDF in particular is a powerful format, and allows easy subsequent re-loading of a Landlab modelgrid and all its fields. Save your raster like this:

rmg.save("my_savename.asc", names=["field1", "field2"])
# for esri ascii, only saving the fields 1 and 2


# save as netCDF3, saving all fields by default

The former way will give two save files, my_savename_field1.asc and my_savename_field2.asc. The latter will just give my_savename.nc.

To reload a netCDF file, use the Landlab io function read_netcdf

from landlab.io.netcdf import read_netcdf

mg = read_netcdf("my_savename.nc")

Note all the original fields you had will automatically be repopulated.

If you’re using an irregular grid, the simple grid save function is not yet operational (though is under development). Instead, we recommend using Pickle, a native Python way of saving (“pickling”) any Python object. It works like this:

>>> import cPickle as pickle
# cPickle is a lot faster than normal pickle
>>> pickle.dump(mg, open("my_savename.pickle", "wb"))
# ...save the grid, and all its fields
>>> mg = pickle.load(open("my_savename.pickle", "rb"))
# ...load the grid and fields back into a grid object

Unfortunately, the power of pickle comes somewhat at the expense of both disk space and speed. Saves this way can be slow and, if the grid is big, memory expensive (e.g., ~1 Gb for millions of nodes).

You can also use lower level, NumPy save routines to preserve just your data (rather than the whole grid object). The NumPy methods save and savetxt and load and loadtxt can be called on any NumPy array, including those saved as fields. Save and load use the NumPy specific .npy file format; savetxt and loadtxt use textfiles. Use them like this:

>>> np.save("savename.npy", mg.at_node["my_field"])
>>> mg.at_node["my_field"] = np.load("savename.npy")
>>> np.savetxt("savename.txt", mg.at_node["my_field"])
>>> mg.at_node["my_field"] = np.loadtxt("savename.txt")

Plot the data

Landlab has a fairly comprehensive suite of built in plotting functions; read more about them here.

You also of course have the option of using the matplotlib plotting library of Python for things like cross-sections.

If you’re careful, you can also build plotting functions into the body of a run loop for your model, so you can see how your output evolves through time. Note however that all Python save and plot functions are considerably time expensive, so it would probably be a bad idea to do this kind of thing every timestep. Instead, you can try something like:

import plot

dt = 10.0
accumulated_time = 0.0
last_accumulated_time_remainder = 0.0
while accumulated_time < 1000.0:
    # ...do the thing for one timestep dt
    accumulated_time += dt
if last_accumulated_time_remainder < accumulated_time % 100.0:  # output every 100.
        mg.node_vector_to_raster(z)[mg.number_of_node_rows // 2, :]
    )  # a cross section
    last_accumulated_time_remainder = accumulated_time % 100.0

Note that if you’re running inside an interactive Python session like iPython, all the variables and objects (both grid and component) that you’ve used in your model will still be available in the environment. Thus, you can play with your data for as long as you want!

Animating figures

Due to issues surrounding platform-dependent video codecs, Landlab does not currently support native video or animated output. However, numerous effective hacks using free third party software can be effective. We recommend saving your figure for animation at the desired frame interval using the matplotlib savefig command, then stitching these images together into a video file externally.

DEJH has had a lot of success doing this in Preview on a Mac (which has the great advantage that it is always available). Simply open the first image, go to Export... under file, then while holding down alt click on the Format button to gain access to a list of extra formats, including .gif. Open your new gif file, also in preview, then just drag the remaining image files into the sidebar onto the first slide, where they will be appended to the gif as individual frames. Save, and you will now have an animated gif of your output (note you’ll have to open the file in a browser or drag it into Powerpoint to get it to run - for mysterious reasons, Preview always opens the frames as images, and cannot show the gif running!).