Uncategorized or Deprecated¶
The following functions are either uncategorized or deprecated. Uncategorized functions are simply those to which we have not yet assigned a category (but we will as we continue to improve the documentation). Although functions marked as deprecated are currently still available, they will be removed in a future Landlab release and so their use is discouraged.
Indicates a node is bad index. |
Indicates a link is active, and can carry flux |
Indicates a link has a fixed gradient value, and behaves as a boundary |
Indicates a link is inactive, and cannot carry flux |
Indicates a boundary node is closed |
Indicates a node is core. |
Indicates a boundary node has a fixed gradient. |
Indicates a boundary node has a fixed value. |
Indicates a boundary node is wrap-around. |
Grid elements on which fields can be placed. |
Adjacent corners for each grid corner. |
Return face directions into each corner. |
Get adjacent corners. |
Get azimuths from every corner to every other corner. |
Get distances from every corner to every other corner. |
Get the angle of each face. |
Find and return the angle of a face about the corner at the face head. |
Get the area of each cell. |
Create an xarray DataArray representation of a grid field. |
Create an xarray Dataset representation of a grid. |
EventLayers for each cell. |
Get array of boundary corners. |
Calculate net face fluxes at cells. |
A boolean array, False where a cell has a closed corner or is |
A boolean array, False where a cell has a closed corner or is |
Get array of closed boundary corners. |
Get array of core corners. |
Get array of core patches. |
Get array of corners associated with core patches. |
Get corners at face head. |
Get corners at face tail. |
A shaped array of corner ids. |
Get the corners that define a cell. |
Nodes at diagonal tail and head. |
Get corners at either end of faces. |
Nodes at nodes of grid. |
Links and diagonals attached to corners. |
Return the name of the group into which fields are put by default. |
Get adjacent corners along diagonals. |
Directions of diagonals attached to corners. |
Directions of diagonals attached to nodes. |
Diagonals attached to corners. |
EventLayers for each cell. |
Get the faces that define a cell. |
List of fields held by the grid. |
Get array of fixed faces. |
Returns the corner at the other end of the fixed face for a fixed |
An array of the fixed_faces connected to fixed gradient boundary |
Get array of fixed gradient boundary corners. |
Returns the node at the other end of the fixed link for a fixed gradient boundary node. |
An array of the fixed_links connected to fixed gradient boundary nodes. |
Get array of fixed value boundary corners. |
Freeze the graph by making arrays read-only. |
Create grid from a file-like object. |
List of group names. |
Plot a data field. |
Get the length of faces. |
Return link directions into each node. |
Return array of IDs of links with given angle. |
Links with a given node status. |
Get links touching a node. |
For each patch in a raster, return the D8 neighboring patches, looping |
Map (x,y) components of link data data_at_link onto nodes. |
Map (x,y) vector components of data_at_link onto nodes. |
Assign values to links using a weighted combination of node values. |
Assign values to links from upstream nodes. |
Map magnitude and sign of vectors with components (ux, uy) onto grid links. |
MaterialLayers for each cell. |
Get the middle of faces. |
Number of spatial dimensions of the grid. |
A shaped array of node ids. |
Nodes at corners of grid. |
Nodes at diagonal tail and head. |
Get the number of cells. |
Return the number of cells at a corner without a closed corner. |
Return the number of cells at a face without a closed corner. |
Number of core corners. |
Number of core patches. |
Get total number of corners. |
Number of links and diagonals. |
Number of diagonals in the grid. |
Get corners at face head. |
Number of fixed faces. |
Number of interior corners. |
Get nodes at link head. |
Number of patch columns. |
Number of patch rows. |
Get array of open boundary corners. |
Return array of face orientation codes (one value per face). |
Return array of link orientation codes (one value per link). |
Return similarly oriented faces connected to each face. |
Return similarly oriented links connected to each link. |
Cell areas in a ncorners-long array. |
Get the shape of the patchular grid (grid with only patches). |
Get the patches on either side of each link. |
Get the patches that touch each node. |
Get array of patches in patchular grid (grid with only patches) nodes. |
Get nodes on the convex hull of a Graph. |
Get list of second ring looped neighbor patch IDs (all 16 neighbors). |
Sort graph elements. |
Get array of the boundary status for each corner. |
Status at diagonals. |
Get array of the status of all faces. |
Thaw the graph by making arrays writable. |
Write graph contents to a netCDF file. |
Get a unit vector for each corner. |
Make arrays to store the unit vectors associated with each face. |
Make arrays to store the unit vectors associated with each link. |
Get a unit vector for each node. |
Get array of x-component of unit vector sums at each corner. |
Get array of y-component of unit vector sums at each corner. |
Get x-coordinate of corner. |
Get the centroid of each cell. |
Get x and y-coordinates of corner. |
Return (x, y) of the reference point. |
Return the coordinates (x, y) of the reference point. |
Get y-coordinate of corner. |
For each cell in a raster, return the D8 neighboring cells, looping across grid boundaries as necessary. |
Indicates a node is bad index. |
Indicates a link is active, and can carry flux |
Indicates a link has a fixed gradient value, and behaves as a boundary |
Indicates a link is inactive, and cannot carry flux |
Indicates a boundary node is closed |
Indicates a node is core. |
Indicates a boundary node has a fixed gradient. |
Indicates a boundary node has a fixed value. |
Indicates a boundary node is wrap-around. |
Grid elements on which fields can be placed. |
Adjacent corners for each grid corner. |
Return face directions into each corner. |
Get adjacent corners. |
Get azimuths from every corner to every other corner. |
Get distances from every corner to every other corner. |
Get the angle of each face. |
Find and return the angle of a face about the corner at the face head. |
Get the area of each cell. |
Create an xarray DataArray representation of a grid field. |
Create an xarray Dataset representation of a grid. |
EventLayers for each cell. |
Get array of boundary corners. |
Get the cells that touch each corner. |
Get the cells on either side of each face. |
A boolean array, False where a cell has a closed corner or is |
A boolean array, False where a cell has a closed corner or is |
Get array of closed boundary corners. |
Get array of core corners. |
Get array of core patches. |
Get array of corners associated with core patches. |
Get corners at face head. |
Get corners at face tail. |
Get identifier for each corner. |
Get the corners that define a cell. |
Get corners at either end of faces. |
Return the name of the group into which fields are put by default. |
EventLayers for each cell. |
Return face directions into each corner. |
Get the faces that define a cell. |
Get faces touching a corner. |
List of fields held by the grid. |
Get array of fixed faces. |
Returns the corner at the other end of the fixed face for a fixed |
An array of the fixed_faces connected to fixed gradient boundary |
Get array of fixed gradient boundary corners. |
Returns the node at the other end of the fixed link for a fixed gradient boundary node. |
An array of the fixed_links connected to fixed gradient boundary nodes. |
Get array of fixed value boundary corners. |
Freeze the graph by making arrays read-only. |
Create grid from dictionary. |
Create grid from a file-like object. |
List of group names. |
Plot a data field. |
Get the length of faces. |
Return link directions into each node. |
Return array of IDs of links with given angle. |
Links with a given node status. |
Map (x,y) components of link data data_at_link onto nodes. |
Assign values to links using a weighted combination of node values. |
Assign values to links from upstream nodes. |
Map magnitude and sign of vectors with components (ux, uy) onto grid links. |
MaterialLayers for each cell. |
Get the middle of faces. |
Number of spatial dimensions of the grid. |
Get the number of cells. |
Return the number of cells at a corner without a closed corner. |
Return the number of cells at a face without a closed corner. |
Number of core corners. |
Number of core patches. |
Get total number of corners. |
Get corners at face head. |
Number of fixed faces. |
Get nodes at link head. |
Get array of open boundary corners. |
Cell areas in a ncorners-long array. |
Get nodes on the convex hull of a Graph. |
Sort graph elements. |
Get array of the boundary status for each corner. |
Get array of the status of all faces. |
Thaw the graph by making arrays writable. |
Write graph contents to a netCDF file. |
Get a unit vector for each corner. |
Make arrays to store the unit vectors associated with each face. |
Make arrays to store the unit vectors associated with each link. |
Get a unit vector for each node. |
Get array of x-component of unit vector sums at each corner. |
Get array of y-component of unit vector sums at each corner. |
Get x-coordinate of corner. |
Get the centroid of each cell. |
Get x and y-coordinates of corner. |
Return the coordinates (x, y) of the reference point. |
Get y-coordinate of corner. |
Indicates a node is bad index. |
Indicates a link is active, and can carry flux |
Indicates a link has a fixed gradient value, and behaves as a boundary |
Indicates a link is inactive, and cannot carry flux |
Indicates a boundary node is closed |
Indicates a node is core. |
Indicates a boundary node has a fixed gradient. |
Indicates a boundary node has a fixed value. |
Indicates a boundary node is wrap-around. |
Grid elements on which fields can be placed. |
Adjacent corners for each grid corner. |
Return face directions into each corner. |
Get adjacent corners. |
Get azimuths from every corner to every other corner. |
Get distances from every corner to every other corner. |
Get the angle of each face. |
Find and return the angle of a face about the corner at the face head. |
Get the area of each cell. |
Create an xarray DataArray representation of a grid field. |
Create an xarray Dataset representation of a grid. |
EventLayers for each cell. |
Get array of boundary corners. |
Get the cells that touch each corner. |
Get the cells on either side of each face. |
A boolean array, False where a cell has a closed corner or is |
A boolean array, False where a cell has a closed corner or is |
Get array of closed boundary corners. |
Get array of core corners. |
Get array of core patches. |
Get array of corners associated with core patches. |
Get corners at face head. |
Get corners at face tail. |
Get identifier for each corner. |
Get corners along the bottom edge. |
Get the corners that define a cell. |
Get corners at either end of faces. |
Get corners along the left edge. |
Get corners along the right edge. |
Get corners along the top edge. |
Return the name of the group into which fields are put by default. |
EventLayers for each cell. |
Return face directions into each corner. |
Get the faces that define a cell. |
Get faces touching a corner. |
List of fields held by the grid. |
Get array of fixed faces. |
Returns the corner at the other end of the fixed face for a fixed |
An array of the fixed_faces connected to fixed gradient boundary |
Get array of fixed gradient boundary corners. |
Returns the node at the other end of the fixed link for a fixed gradient boundary node. |
An array of the fixed_links connected to fixed gradient boundary nodes. |
Get array of fixed value boundary corners. |
Freeze the graph by making arrays read-only. |
Create grid from dictionary. |
Create grid from a file-like object. |
List of group names. |
Plot a data field. |
Get the length of links. |
Return link directions into each node. |
Return array of IDs of links with given angle. |
Links with a given node status. |
Map (x,y) components of link data data_at_link onto nodes. |
Assign values to links using a weighted combination of node values. |
Assign values to links from upstream nodes. |
Map magnitude and sign of vectors with components (ux, uy) onto grid links. |
MaterialLayers for each cell. |
Get the middle of faces. |
Number of spatial dimensions of the grid. |
Row and column from node ID, FOR VERT RECT CONFIGURATION ONLY. |
Get nodes along the bottom edge. |
Get nodes along the left edge. |
Get nodes along the right edge. |
Get nodes along the top edge. |
Get the number of cells. |
Return the number of cells at a corner without a closed corner. |
Return the number of cells at a face without a closed corner. |
Number of core corners. |
Number of core patches. |
Number of corner columns hex grid. |
Number of corner rows in a rectangular-shaped and/or horizontally |
Get total number of corners. |
Get corners at face head. |
Number of fixed faces. |
Get nodes at link head. |
Get array of open boundary corners. |
Return array of face orientation codes (one value per face). |
Return array of link orientation codes (one value per link). |
Return similarly oriented faces connected to each face. |
Return similarly oriented links connected to each link. |
Cell areas in a ncorners-long array. |
Get nodes on the convex hull of a Graph. |
Sort graph elements. |
Get array of the boundary status for each corner. |
Get array of the status of all faces. |
Thaw the graph by making arrays writable. |
Write graph contents to a netCDF file. |
Get a unit vector for each corner. |
Make arrays to store the unit vectors associated with each face. |
Make arrays to store the unit vectors associated with each link. |
Get a unit vector for each node. |
Get array of x-component of unit vector sums at each corner. |
Get array of y-component of unit vector sums at each corner. |
Get x-coordinate of corner. |
Get the centroid of each cell. |
Get x and y-coordinates of corner. |
Return (x, y) of the reference point. |
Return the coordinates (x, y) of the reference point. |
Get y-coordinate of corner. |
Indicates a node is bad index. |
Indicates a link is active, and can carry flux |
Indicates a link has a fixed gradient value, and behaves as a boundary |
Indicates a link is inactive, and cannot carry flux |
Indicates a boundary node is closed |
Indicates a node is core. |
Indicates a boundary node has a fixed gradient. |
Indicates a boundary node has a fixed value. |
Indicates a boundary node is wrap-around. |
Grid elements on which fields can be placed. |
Create an xarray DataArray representation of a grid field. |
Create an xarray Dataset representation of a grid. |
EventLayers for each cell. |
Return the name of the group into which fields are put by default. |
EventLayers for each cell. |
Face-cell and node-link numbering are the same! |
List of fields held by the grid. |
Returns the node at the other end of the fixed link for a fixed gradient boundary node. |
An array of the fixed_links connected to fixed gradient boundary nodes. |
Create grid from dictionary. |
Create grid from a file-like object. |
List of group names. |
Plot a data field. |
Return array of IDs of links with given angle. |
Links with a given node status. |
Map (x,y) components of link data data_at_link onto nodes. |
Assign values to links using a weighted combination of node values. |
Assign values to links from upstream nodes. |
Map magnitude and sign of vectors with components (ux, uy) onto grid links. |
MaterialLayers for each cell. |
Return the coordinates (x, y) of the reference point. |
Indicates a node is bad index. |
Indicates a link is active, and can carry flux |
Indicates a link has a fixed gradient value, and behaves as a boundary |
Indicates a link is inactive, and cannot carry flux |
Indicates a boundary node is closed |
Indicates a node is core. |
Indicates a boundary node has a fixed gradient. |
Indicates a boundary node has a fixed value. |
Indicates a boundary node is wrap-around. |
Grid elements on which fields can be placed. |
Return the name of the group into which fields are put by default. |
Freeze the graph by making arrays read-only. |
List of group names. |
Return link directions into each node. |
Map (x,y) components of link data data_at_link onto nodes. |
Assign values to links using a weighted combination of node values. |
Assign values to links from upstream nodes. |
Map magnitude and sign of vectors with components (ux, uy) onto grid links. |
Get nodes at link head. |
Sort graph elements. |
Thaw the graph by making arrays writable. |
Write graph contents to a netCDF file. |
Make arrays to store the unit vectors associated with each link. |
Get a unit vector for each node. |
Return the coordinates (x, y) of the reference point. |
Indicates a node is bad index. |
Indicates a link is active, and can carry flux |
Indicates a link has a fixed gradient value, and behaves as a boundary |
Indicates a link is inactive, and cannot carry flux |
Indicates a boundary node is closed |
Indicates a node is core. |
Indicates a boundary node has a fixed gradient. |
Indicates a boundary node has a fixed value. |
Indicates a boundary node is wrap-around. |
Grid elements on which fields can be placed. |
Adjacent corners for each grid corner. |
Return face directions into each corner. |
Get adjacent corners. |
Get azimuths from every corner to every other corner. |
Get distances from every corner to every other corner. |
Get the angle of each face. |
Find and return the angle of a face about the corner at the face head. |
Get the area of each cell. |
Create an xarray DataArray representation of a grid field. |
Create an xarray Dataset representation of a grid. |
EventLayers for each cell. |
Get array of boundary corners. |
Get the cells that touch each corner. |
Get the cells on either side of each face. |
A boolean array, False where a cell has a closed corner or is |
A boolean array, False where a cell has a closed corner or is |
Get array of closed boundary corners. |
Get array of core corners. |
Get array of core patches. |
Get array of corners associated with core patches. |
Get corners at face head. |
Get corners at face tail. |
Get identifier for each corner. |
Get the corners that define a cell. |
Get corners at either end of faces. |
Return the name of the group into which fields are put by default. |
EventLayers for each cell. |
Return face directions into each corner. |
Get the faces that define a cell. |
Get faces touching a corner. |
List of fields held by the grid. |
Get array of fixed faces. |
Returns the corner at the other end of the fixed face for a fixed |
An array of the fixed_faces connected to fixed gradient boundary |
Get array of fixed gradient boundary corners. |
Returns the node at the other end of the fixed link for a fixed gradient boundary node. |
An array of the fixed_links connected to fixed gradient boundary nodes. |
Get array of fixed value boundary corners. |
Freeze the graph by making arrays read-only. |
Create grid from dictionary. |
Create grid from a file-like object. |
List of group names. |
Plot a data field. |
Get the length of faces. |
Return link directions into each node. |
Return array of IDs of links with given angle. |
Links with a given node status. |
Map (x,y) components of link data data_at_link onto nodes. |
Assign values to links using a weighted combination of node values. |
Assign values to links from upstream nodes. |
Map magnitude and sign of vectors with components (ux, uy) onto grid links. |
MaterialLayers for each cell. |
Get the middle of faces. |
Number of spatial dimensions of the grid. |
Get the number of cells. |
Return the number of cells at a corner without a closed corner. |
Return the number of cells at a face without a closed corner. |
Number of core corners. |
Number of core patches. |
Get total number of corners. |
Number of corners in each ring. |
Get corners at face head. |
Number of fixed faces. |
Get nodes at link head. |
Get array of open boundary corners. |
Cell areas in a ncorners-long array. |
Get corners on the convex hull of a Graph. |
Distance for center corner to each corner. |
Sort graph elements. |
Get array of the boundary status for each corner. |
Get array of the status of all faces. |
Thaw the graph by making arrays writable. |
Write graph contents to a netCDF file. |
Get a unit vector for each corner. |
Make arrays to store the unit vectors associated with each face. |
Make arrays to store the unit vectors associated with each link. |
Get a unit vector for each node. |
Get array of x-component of unit vector sums at each corner. |
Get array of y-component of unit vector sums at each corner. |
Get x-coordinate of corner. |
Get the centroid of each cell. |
Return (x, y) of the reference point. |
Get x and y-coordinates of corner. |
Return the coordinates (x, y) of the reference point. |
Get y-coordinate of corner. |
Indicates a node is bad index. |
Indicates a link is active, and can carry flux |
Indicates a link has a fixed gradient value, and behaves as a boundary |
Indicates a link is inactive, and cannot carry flux |
Indicates a boundary node is closed |
Indicates a node is core. |
Indicates a boundary node has a fixed gradient. |
Indicates a boundary node has a fixed value. |
Indicates a boundary node is wrap-around. |
Grid elements on which fields can be placed. |
Adjacent corners for each grid corner. |
Return face directions into each corner. |
Get adjacent corners. |
Get azimuths from every corner to every other corner. |
Get distances from every corner to every other corner. |
Get the angle of each face. |
Find and return the angle of a face about the corner at the face head. |
Get the area of each cell. |
Create an xarray DataArray representation of a grid field. |
Create an xarray Dataset representation of a grid. |
EventLayers for each cell. |
Get array of boundary corners. |
Get the cells that touch each corner. |
Get the cells on either side of each face. |
A boolean array, False where a cell has a closed corner or is |
A boolean array, False where a cell has a closed corner or is |
Get array of closed boundary corners. |
Get array of core corners. |
Get array of core patches. |
Get array of corners associated with core patches. |
Get corners at face head. |
Get corners at face tail. |
Get identifier for each corner. |
Get the corners that define a cell. |
Get corners at either end of faces. |
Return the name of the group into which fields are put by default. |
EventLayers for each cell. |
Return face directions into each corner. |
Get the faces that define a cell. |
Get faces touching a corner. |
List of fields held by the grid. |
Get array of fixed faces. |
Returns the corner at the other end of the fixed face for a fixed |
An array of the fixed_faces connected to fixed gradient boundary |
Get array of fixed gradient boundary corners. |
Returns the node at the other end of the fixed link for a fixed gradient boundary node. |
An array of the fixed_links connected to fixed gradient boundary nodes. |
Get array of fixed value boundary corners. |
Freeze the graph by making arrays read-only. |
Create grid from dictionary. |
Create grid from a file-like object. |
List of group names. |
Plot a data field. |
Get the length of faces. |
Return link directions into each node. |
Return array of IDs of links with given angle. |
Links with a given node status. |
Map (x,y) components of link data data_at_link onto nodes. |
Assign values to links using a weighted combination of node values. |
Assign values to links from upstream nodes. |
Map magnitude and sign of vectors with components (ux, uy) onto grid links. |
MaterialLayers for each cell. |
Get the middle of faces. |
Number of spatial dimensions of the grid. |
Get the number of cells. |
Return the number of cells at a corner without a closed corner. |
Return the number of cells at a face without a closed corner. |
Number of core corners. |
Number of core patches. |
Get total number of corners. |
Get corners at face head. |
Number of fixed faces. |
Get nodes at link head. |
Get array of open boundary corners. |
Cell areas in a ncorners-long array. |
Get corners on the convex hull of a Graph. |
Sort graph elements. |
Get array of the boundary status for each corner. |
Get array of the status of all faces. |
Thaw the graph by making arrays writable. |
Write graph contents to a netCDF file. |
Get a unit vector for each corner. |
Make arrays to store the unit vectors associated with each face. |
Make arrays to store the unit vectors associated with each link. |
Get a unit vector for each node. |
Get array of x-component of unit vector sums at each corner. |
Get array of y-component of unit vector sums at each corner. |
Get x-coordinate of corner. |
Get the centroid of each cell. |
Get x and y-coordinates of corner. |
Return the coordinates (x, y) of the reference point. |
Get y-coordinate of corner. |