Source code for landlab.components.species_evolution.zone_taxon

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""ZoneTaxon object of SpeciesEvolver."""
import numpy as np
from pandas import Series

from .base_taxon import Taxon

[docs] class ZoneTaxon(Taxon): """A taxon based in zones. A ``ZoneTaxon`` is composed of members of a lower taxonomic level that each exists within a ``Zone`` object. Taxonomic rank is not considered by this class despite the use of the term, 'speciation', which is used herein to generally describe creation of a child taxon object. All zones of the taxon can be obtained with the attribute, ``zones`` that are the objects that manage the geographic aspect of taxon member populations. The total geographic extent of all populations is depicted by the ``range_mask`` attribute. The zones of a ZoneTaxon instance are created and updated using a ``ZoneController``. At model time steps, the connectivity of zones over time is obtained using attributes of the ``Zone`` object. The evolution of this taxon type is carried out in two stages during a model time step. In the first stage, the zones of the taxon are updated as the result of zone connectivity between the prior and current step in the method, ``_update_zones``. This method is the primary implementation of taxon dispersal and it is called in a stage prior to other evolutionary processes so that all taxa are positioned in their landscape locations prior to the other processes. In the second stage, processes are carried out in methods that are readily expanded or overridden when needed. The primary methods of second stage macroevolution are ``_evaluate_dispersal``, ``_evaluate_speciation``, and ``_evaluate_extinction``. The evaluate dispersal method is intended to modify dispersal conducted in the first stage and it has no effect unless it is expanded or overridden to have an effect. Processes other than those listed above can be called by expanding or overridding the ``_evolve`` method. The taxon is allopatric when it is associated with/exists within multiple zones (signifying multiple member populations). A timer is started when a taxon becomes allopatric. Allopatric speciation occurs once the timer reaches or exceeds the ``time_to_allopatric_speciation`` initialization parameter. If the initialization parameter, ``persists_post_speciation`` is True (default), a child taxon is created in each zone except one zone (the largest by area) that becomes the sole zone of the taxon. If ``persists_post_speciation`` is set to False, a child taxon is created in each and every zone, and the parent no longer occupies any zones, and therefore the parent taxon is no longer extant. Extinction occurs when the taxon is no longer associated with any zones. This occurs when zones in the prior time step do not overlap zones in the current time step, signifying the geographic range of the taxon is no more. A taxon can become no longer extant also when the taxon speciates and ``persists_post_speciation`` is False signifying that the parent taxon has evolved into multiple taxon distinct from the original taxon. The following columns will be added to the ``record_data_frame`` of the SpeciesEvolver instance that tracks objects of this Taxon: 'speciations' and 'extinctions', which are the counts of these variables at time steps. Another column, 'pseudoextinctions' will be included when ``persists_post_speciation`` is False. This variable is the count of occurrences when a parent taxon became non-extant due to speciation and not because of an absence of zones. """
[docs] def __init__( self, zones, parent=None, time_to_allopatric_speciation=0, persists_post_speciation=True, ): """Initialize a taxon. Parameters ---------- zones : list of Zones The initial SpeciesEvolver Zones where the taxon is located. parent : Taxon, optional A SpeciesEvolver taxon that is the parent taxon. The default value, 'None' indicates no parent. time_to_allopatric_speciation : float, int, optional The delay in model time to speciate following taxon geographic fragmentation, indicated by multiple objects in the attribute, ``zones``. Speciation occurs at the time step when the delay is reached or exceeded. The default value of 0 indicates speciation occurs at the same time step as geographic fragmentation. persists_post_speciation : boolean, optional When 'True', the default, taxon persists despite speciation. When 'False' and following speciation, the taxon is no longer extant. """ super().__init__() self.parent = parent self._tas = time_to_allopatric_speciation self._pps = persists_post_speciation # Store zones that each represent an instance of a narrower taxonomic # level, e.g. a population. self._zones = zones # Set taxon time in allopatry. self._time_in_allopatry = None self._update_allopatry_state()
@Taxon.extant.setter def extant(self, state): """Set the living state of the taxon.""" self._extant = state if not state: # Ensure the taxon is not associated with zones when it is no # longer extant. self._zones = [] @property def range_mask(self): """A mask representing the geographic extent of the taxon. The mask is an array with a length of grid number of nodes. The taxon exists at nodes where mask elements are ``True``. The mask of a ZoneTaxon object is the union of all of its zone masks. """ masks = [zone.mask for zone in self.zones] mask = np.any(masks, 0) return mask @property def zones(self): """The zones of the taxon.""" return self._zones def _evolve(self, dt, stage, record): """Run a step of evolutionary processes. Dispersal resolved during stage 1 can be modified by extending or overriding the dispersal evaluation method, as can speciation and extinction that are also evaluated in this stage. The attribute, ``extant`` is updated by this method. Parameters ---------- dt : float The model time step duration. stage : int The evolution stage of the time step. record : defaultdict The SpeciesEvolver record. Returns ------- boolean Indicates if the taxon is still evolving. When `False` is returned, this method will not be called for the taxon in subsequent stages in the current model time step. list of Taxon The children produced by the taxon at a given stage. The ``evolve`` method of child taxon will be called in stages following the stage the child taxon was produced. An empty list indicates no child taxon. """ if stage == 0: self._update_zones() child_taxa = [] elif stage == 1: # Evaluate macroevolutionary processes now that zones of all taxon # objects were updated in stage 1. self._evaluate_dispersal(dt) self._update_allopatry_state(dt) child_taxa = self._evaluate_speciation(dt) child_count = len(child_taxa) extinct = self._evaluate_extinction(dt) pseudoextinct = child_count > 1 and not self._pps self.extant = not extinct and not pseudoextinct # Update the record. record.increment_value("speciations", child_count) record.increment_value("extinctions", int(extinct and not pseudoextinct)) if not self._pps: record.increment_value("pseudoextinctions", int(pseudoextinct)) return stage < 1, child_taxa def _update_zones(self): """Update the zones of the taxon. Dispersal is represented by setting taxon zones to the zones of the current time step that overlap the taxon zones of the prior time step (`successors of a zone`). """ successors = [] for zone in self._zones: successors.extend(zone.successors) self._zones = Series(successors).drop_duplicates().tolist() def _update_allopatry_state(self, dt=None): """Update taxon time in allopatry. Parameter, ``dt`` can optionally be set to increment time in allopatry given that the taxon is already allopatric. Parameters ---------- dt : float, int, optional The model time step duration. """ if len(self.zones) < 2: self._time_in_allopatry = None elif self._time_in_allopatry is None: self._time_in_allopatry = 0 elif dt is not None: self._time_in_allopatry += dt def _produce_child_taxon(self, zones): """Get the taxon resulting from speciation. This method returns a taxon of the same type as the object that speciates. This child taxon is initialized with the initialization parameter values of the parent object. At minimum in derived implementations of this method, the parent taxon of the child should be set to `self` to correctly construct the lineage. Parameters ---------- zones : list of Zones The zones where the child taxon will exist. Returns ------- Taxon The child taxon. """ taxon_type = type(self) child_taxon = taxon_type( zones, parent=self, time_to_allopatric_speciation=self._tas, persists_post_speciation=self._pps, ) return child_taxon def _evaluate_allopatric_speciation(self, dt): """Return child taxa if the taxon is allopatric. A child taxon is returned for each zone except the largest zone if ``persists_post_speciation`` is True. A child taxon is returned for all zones if ``persists_post_speciation`` is False. The ``zones`` attribute is set to a list containing the largest zone or no zone when ``persists_post_speciation`` is True or False, respectively. This method is called by the ``_evaluate_speciation`` method in the second stage of taxon evolution. Parameter ``dt`` is not used in the ZoneTaxon implementation of this method. It is included to follow the pattern of including this parameter in ZoneTaxon evolution methods. Parameters ---------- dt : float, int The model time step duration. Returns ------- list of taxon objects The taxon objects produced by allopatric speciation. An empty list indicates no child objects and no allopatric speciation. """ zones = self.zones allopatric = self._time_in_allopatry is not None children = [] if allopatric and self._time_in_allopatry >= self._tas: if self._pps: # The zone/member with the greatest zone area remains # associated with the object. idx = np.argmax([zone.area for zone in zones]) largest_zone = zones.pop(idx) for zone in zones: child = self._produce_child_taxon([zone]) children.append(child) if self._pps: self._zones = [largest_zone] else: self._zones = [] self._update_allopatry_state() return children def _evaluate_dispersal(self, dt): """Modify taxon dispersal. Population dispersal is principally determined in stage 1 by the method, ``_update_zones``. This evaluation method is called by the taxon evolve method in stage 2 and allows modification of the stage 1 dispersal. This method implemented in ZoneTaxon does not modify stage 1 dispersal. It is intended to be overridden when needed. Parameters ---------- dt : float, int The model time step duration. """ # pragma: no cover def _evaluate_speciation(self, dt): """Return child taxa if speciation occurs. This method is called by the taxon stage 2 evolve method. The default implementation of this method solely gets any taxon objects resulting from the method, ``_evaluate_allopatric_speciation``. Other modes of speciation, including sympatric, can be evaluated here by expanded this ``_evaluate_speciation`` method. Parameters ---------- dt : float, int The model time step duration. Returns ------- list of taxon objects The taxon objects produced by allopatric speciation. An empty list indicates no child objects and no allopatric speciation. """ child_taxa = self._evaluate_allopatric_speciation(dt) return child_taxa def _evaluate_extinction(self, dt): """Determine if extinction occurs. Extinction occurs if no zone/member populations exist. Other conditions of extinction can be included by expanding or overridding this method. Parameters ---------- dt : float, int The model time step duration. Returns ------- boolean `True` indicates the taxon has become extinct. `False` indicates the taxon persists. """ taxon_occupies_no_zones = len(self.zones) == 0 return taxon_occupies_no_zones