
Landlab has the ability to add layers to the grid. Two types of layers are currently supported. First is EventLayers in which each event is preserved as an entry into the datastructure, even if no deposition occurs. If you are interested in chronostratigraphy, this is probably what you are interested in. Second is MaterialLayers, in which each layer must contain some material. If an entire layer is eroded in MaterialLayers, the layer is removed. MaterialLayers will likely use less memory than EventLayers.


Two objects based on the EventLayers object exist to make it easier to deal with spatially variable lithology and associated properties. The lithology components contain information about spatially variable lithology and connect with the Landlab model grid so that when rock is eroded or advected upward by rock uplift the values of rock propeties at the topographic surface are updated.

First is the Lithology component, which is a generic object for variable lithology.

Second is LithoLayers which makes it easy to make layered rock.