Source code for landlab.components.plant_competition_ca.plant_competition_ca

import numpy as np

from landlab import Component

TREE = 2
BARE = 3

[docs] def assert_method_is_valid(method): if method not in _VALID_METHODS: raise ValueError("%s: Invalid method name" % method)
[docs] class VegCA(Component): """Landlab component that simulates inter-species plant competition using a 2D cellular automata model. This code is based on Cellular Automata Tree Grass Shrub Simulator (CATGraSS). It simulates spatial competition of multiple plant functional types through establishment and mortality. In the current code, tree, grass and shrubs are used. Ref: Zhou, X., Istanbulluoglu, E., & Vivoni, E. R. (2013). Modeling the ecohydrological role of aspect controlled radiation on tree grass shrub coexistence in a semiarid climate. Water Resources Research, 49(5), 2872-2895. .. codeauthor:: Sai Nudurupati and Erkan Istanbulluoglu Examples -------- >>> from landlab import RasterModelGrid >>> from landlab.components import VegCA >>> grid = RasterModelGrid((5, 4), xy_spacing=(0.2, 0.2)) >>> 'Cellular Automata Plant Competition' >>> sorted(VegCA.output_var_names) ['plant__age', 'plant__live_index'] >>> sorted(VegCA.units) [('plant__age', 'Years'), ('plant__live_index', 'None'), ('vegetation__cumulative_water_stress', 'None'), ('vegetation__plant_functional_type', 'None')] >>> grid["cell"]["vegetation__plant_functional_type"] = np.arange( ... 0, grid.number_of_cells, dtype=int ... ) >>> grid["cell"]["vegetation__cumulative_water_stress"] = np.ones( ... grid.number_of_cells ... ) >>> ca_veg = VegCA(grid) >>> ca_veg.grid.number_of_cell_rows 3 >>> ca_veg.grid.number_of_cell_columns 2 >>> ca_veg.grid is grid True >>> import numpy as np >>> A = np.copy(grid["cell"]["plant__age"]) >>> ca_veg.update() >>> np.all(grid["cell"]["plant__age"] == A) False References ---------- **Required Software Citation(s) Specific to this Component** None Listed **Additional References** Zhou, X., Istanbulluoglu, E., and Vivoni, E. R.: Modeling the ecohydrological role of aspect-controlled radiation on tree-grass-shrub coexistence in a semiarid climate, Water Resour. Res., 49, 2872– 2895, doi:10.1002/wrcr.20259, 2013. """ _name = "Cellular Automata Plant Competition" _unit_agnostic = False _info = { "plant__age": { "dtype": float, "intent": "out", "optional": False, "units": "Years", "mapping": "cell", "doc": "Age of plant", }, "plant__live_index": { "dtype": float, "intent": "out", "optional": False, "units": "None", "mapping": "cell", "doc": "1 - vegetation__cumulative_water_stress", }, "vegetation__cumulative_water_stress": { "dtype": float, "intent": "in", "optional": False, "units": "None", "mapping": "cell", "doc": "cumulative vegetation__water_stress over the growing season", }, "vegetation__plant_functional_type": { "dtype": int, "intent": "in", "optional": False, "units": "None", "mapping": "cell", "doc": ( "classification of plants (int), grass=0, shrub=1, tree=2, " "bare=3, shrub_seedling=4, tree_seedling=5" ), }, }
[docs] def __init__( self, grid, Pemaxg=0.35, ING=2.0, ThetaGrass=0.62, PmbGrass=0.05, Pemaxsh=0.2, ThetaShrub=0.8, PmbShrub=0.01, tpmaxShrub=600, Pemaxtr=0.25, ThetaTree=0.72, PmbTree=0.01, tpmaxTree=350, ThetaShrubSeedling=0.64, PmbShrubSeedling=0.03, tpmaxShrubSeedling=18, ThetaTreeSeedling=0.64, PmbTreeSeedling=0.03, tpmaxTreeSeedling=18, method="Grid", Edit_VegCov=True, ): """ Parameters ---------- grid: RasterModelGrid A grid. Pemaxg: float, optional Maximal establishment probability of grass. ING: float, optional Parameter to define allelopathic effect of creosote on grass. ThetaGrass: float, optional Drought resistance threshold of grass. PmbGrass: float, optional Background mortality probability of grass. Pemaxsh: float, optional Maximal establishment probability of shrub. ThetaShrub: float, optional Drought resistance threshold of shrub. PmbShrub: float, optional Background mortality probability of shrub. tpmaxShrub: float, optional Maximum age of shrub (years). Pemaxtr: float, optional Maximal establishment probability of tree. Thetatree: float, optional Drought resistance threshold of tree. PmbTree: float, optional Background mortality probability of tree. tpmaxTree: float, optional Maximum age of tree (years). ThetaShrubSeedling: float, optional Drought resistance threshold of shrub seedling. PmbShrubSeedling: float, optional Background mortality probability of shrub seedling. tpmaxShrubSeedling: float, optional Maximum age of shrub seedling (years). ThetaTreeSeedling: float, optional Drought resistance threshold of tree seedling. PmbTreeSeedling: float, optional Background mortality probability of tree seedling. tpmaxTreeSeedling: float, optional Maximum age of tree seedling (years). method: str, optional Method used. Edit_VegCov: bool, optional If Edit_VegCov=True, an optional field 'vegetation__boolean_vegetated' will be output, (i.e.) if a cell is vegetated the corresponding cell of the field will be 1, otherwise it will be 0. """ super().__init__(grid) self.Edit_VegCov = Edit_VegCov self._Pemaxg = Pemaxg # Pe-max-grass - max probability self._Pemaxsh = Pemaxsh # Pe-max-shrub self._Pemaxtr = Pemaxtr # Pe-max-tree self._INg = ING # Allelopathic effect on grass from creosotebush self._th_g = ThetaGrass # grass self._th_sh = ThetaShrub # shrub - Creosote self._th_tr = ThetaTree # Juniper pine self._th_sh_s = ThetaShrubSeedling # shrub seedling self._th_tr_s = ThetaTreeSeedling # Juniper pine seedling self._Pmb_g = PmbGrass # Background mortality probability - grass self._Pmb_sh = PmbShrub # shrub self._Pmb_tr = PmbTree # tree self._Pmb_sh_s = PmbShrubSeedling # shrub seedling self._Pmb_tr_s = PmbTreeSeedling # tree seedling self._tpmax_sh = tpmaxShrub # Maximum age - shrub self._tpmax_tr = tpmaxTree # Maximum age - tree self._tpmax_sh_s = tpmaxShrubSeedling # Maximum age - shrub seedling self._tpmax_tr_s = tpmaxTreeSeedling # Maximum age - tree seedling self._method = method assert_method_is_valid(self._method) # if "vegetation__plant_functional_type" not in self._grid.at_cell: # grid["cell"]["vegetation__plant_functional_type"] = np.random.randint( # 0, 6, grid.number_of_cells # ) self.initialize_output_fields() self._cell_values = self._grid["cell"] VegType = grid["cell"]["vegetation__plant_functional_type"] tp = np.zeros(grid.number_of_cells, dtype=int) tp[VegType == TREE] = np.random.randint( 0, self._tpmax_tr, np.where(VegType == TREE)[0].shape ) tp[VegType == SHRUB] = np.random.randint( 0, self._tpmax_sh, np.where(VegType == SHRUB)[0].shape ) locs_trees = np.where(VegType == TREE)[0] locs_shrubs = np.where(VegType == SHRUB)[0] VegType[locs_trees[tp[locs_trees] < self._tpmax_tr_s]] = TREESEEDLING VegType[locs_shrubs[tp[locs_shrubs] < self._tpmax_sh_s]] = SHRUBSEEDLING grid["cell"]["plant__age"] = tp.astype(float)
@property def Edit_VegCov(self): """Flag to indicate whether an optional field is created. If Edit_VegCov=True, an optional field 'vegetation__boolean_vegetated' will be output, (i.e.) if a cell is vegetated the corresponding cell of the field will be 1, otherwise it will be 0. """ return self._Edit_VegCov @Edit_VegCov.setter def Edit_VegCov(self, Edit_VegCov): assert isinstance(Edit_VegCov, bool) self._Edit_VegCov = Edit_VegCov
[docs] def update(self, dt=1): """Update fields with current loading conditions. Parameters ---------- dt: int, optional Time elapsed - time step (years). """ self._VegType = self._cell_values["vegetation__plant_functional_type"] self._CumWS = self._cell_values["vegetation__cumulative_water_stress"] self._live_index = self._cell_values["plant__live_index"] self._tp = self._cell_values["plant__age"] + dt # Check if shrub and tree seedlings have matured shrub_seedlings = np.where(self._VegType == SHRUBSEEDLING)[0] tree_seedlings = np.where(self._VegType == TREESEEDLING)[0] matured_shrubs = np.where(self._tp[shrub_seedlings] > self._tpmax_sh_s)[0] matured_trees = np.where(self._tp[tree_seedlings] > self._tpmax_tr_s)[0] self._VegType[shrub_seedlings[matured_shrubs]] = SHRUB self._VegType[tree_seedlings[matured_trees]] = TREE self._tp[shrub_seedlings[matured_shrubs]] = 0 self._tp[tree_seedlings[matured_trees]] = 0 # Establishment self._live_index = 1 - self._CumWS # Plant live index = 1 - WS bare_cells = np.where(self._VegType == BARE)[0] n_bare = len(bare_cells) first_ring = self._grid.looped_neighbors_at_cell[bare_cells] second_ring = self._grid.second_ring_looped_neighbors_at_cell[bare_cells] veg_type_fr = self._VegType[first_ring] veg_type_sr = self._VegType[second_ring] Sh_WS_fr = WS_PFT(veg_type_fr, SHRUB, self._live_index[first_ring]) Tr_WS_fr = WS_PFT(veg_type_fr, TREE, self._live_index[first_ring]) Tr_WS_sr = WS_PFT(veg_type_sr, TREE, self._live_index[second_ring]) n = count(veg_type_fr, SHRUB) Phi_sh = Sh_WS_fr / 8.0 Phi_tr = (Tr_WS_fr + Tr_WS_sr / 2.0) / 8.0 Phi_g = np.mean(self._live_index[np.where(self._VegType == GRASS)]) Pemaxg = self._Pemaxg * np.ones(n_bare) Pemaxsh = self._Pemaxsh * np.ones(n_bare) Pemaxtr = self._Pemaxtr * np.ones(n_bare) Peg = np.amin(np.vstack((Phi_g / (n * self._INg), Pemaxg)), axis=0) Pesh = np.amin(np.vstack((Phi_sh, Pemaxsh)), axis=0) Petr = np.amin(np.vstack((Phi_tr, Pemaxtr)), axis=0) Select_PFT_E = np.random.choice([GRASS, SHRUBSEEDLING, TREESEEDLING], n_bare) # Grass - 0; Shrub Seedling - 4; Tree Seedling - 5 Pest = np.choose(Select_PFT_E, [Peg, 0, 0, 0, Pesh, Petr]) # Probability of establishment R_Est = np.random.rand(n_bare) # Random number for comparison to establish Establish = np.int32(np.where(np.greater_equal(Pest, R_Est))[0]) self._VegType[bare_cells[Establish]] = Select_PFT_E[Establish] self._tp[bare_cells[Establish]] = 0 # Mortality plant_cells = np.where(self._VegType != BARE)[0] n_plant = len(plant_cells) Theta = np.choose( self._VegType[plant_cells], [self._th_g, self._th_sh, self._th_tr, 0, self._th_sh_s, self._th_tr_s], ) PMd = self._CumWS[plant_cells] - Theta PMd[PMd < 0.0] = 0.0 tpmax = np.choose( self._VegType[plant_cells], [ 200000, self._tpmax_sh, self._tpmax_tr, 0, self._tpmax_sh_s, self._tpmax_tr_s, ], ) PMa = np.zeros(n_plant) tp_plant = self._tp[plant_cells] tp_greater = np.where(tp_plant > 0.5 * tpmax)[0] PMa[tp_greater] = ( (tp_plant[tp_greater] - 0.5 * tpmax[tp_greater]) / (0.5 * tpmax[tp_greater]) ) - 1 PMb = np.choose( self._VegType[plant_cells], [ self._Pmb_g, self._Pmb_sh, self._Pmb_tr, 0, self._Pmb_sh_s, self._Pmb_tr_s, ], ) PM = PMd + PMa + PMb PM[PM > 1.0] = 1.0 R_Mor = np.random.rand(n_plant) # Random number for comparison to kill Mortality = np.int32(np.where(np.greater_equal(PM, R_Mor))[0]) self._VegType[plant_cells[Mortality]] = BARE self._tp[plant_cells[Mortality]] = 0 self._cell_values["plant__age"] = self._tp if self._Edit_VegCov: self._grid["cell"]["vegetation__boolean_vegetated"] = np.zeros( self._grid.number_of_cells, dtype=int ) self._grid["cell"]["vegetation__boolean_vegetated"][ self._VegType != BARE ] = 1 # For debugging purposes self._bare_cells = bare_cells self._Established = bare_cells[Establish] self._plant_cells = plant_cells self._Mortified = plant_cells[Mortality]
[docs] def count(Arr, value): Res = np.zeros(Arr.shape[0], dtype=int) x, y = Arr.shape for i in range(0, x): for j in range(0, y): if Arr[i][j] == value: Res[i] += 1 return Res
[docs] def WS_PFT(VegType, PlantType, WS): Phi = np.zeros(WS.shape[0]) x, y = WS.shape for i in range(0, x): for j in range(0, y): if VegType[i][j] == PlantType: Phi[i] += WS[i][j] return Phi