#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Zone functions and class of SpeciesEvolver."""
from collections import OrderedDict
from enum import IntEnum
from enum import unique
import numpy as np
from pandas import Series
class Connection(IntEnum):
"""Zone connection type.
Connection type represents the connectivity of zones in two time steps. It
is described with the pattern, x-to-y where x and y are the descriptive
counts (none, one, or many) of zone(s) at the earlier and later time step,
respectively. For example, a connection type of one-to-many is a zone in
the earlier time step that spatially overlaps multiple zones in the later
time step.
def _update_zones(grid, prior_zones, new_zones, record):
"""Resolve the spatial connectivity of zones across two time steps.
This method iterates over each zone of the prior time step to identify the
zones of the current time step it spatially intersects. This method updates
the zone attribute, ``successors``. Successor zones are the new zones
existing at the current time step that are the continuation of prior time
step zones referred to as the predecessor zones.
The type of connection between predecessor and successor zones is described
``Connection``. The `_conn_type` property of zones are set by this method.
In the `many` connections, a rule determines which of the prior zones
persist as the zone in the current time step. The zone with the greatest
area of intersection between the prior and current time steps persists to
the current time step along with the others in `new_zones`.
grid : ModelGrid
A Landlab ModelGrid.
prior_zones : Zone list
The zones of the prior timestep.
new_zones : Zone list
The zones of the current timestep.
record : Record
The ZoneController record.
list of Zones
The successor zones. The zones determined to exist at the current time
step with an updated ``successors`` attribute.
# Stats are calculated for `record`.
fragment_ct = 0
capture_ct = 0
area_captured = [0]
# Get `successors`.
if len(prior_zones) == 0 and len(new_zones) == 0:
successors = []
elif len(prior_zones) == 0 and len(new_zones) > 0:
successors = new_zones
conn_type = _determine_connection_type(0, 1)
for n in new_zones:
n._conn_type = conn_type
n._successors = [n]
elif len(prior_zones) > 0 and len(new_zones) == 0:
successors = []
conn_type = _determine_connection_type(1, 0)
for p in prior_zones:
p._conn_type = conn_type
p._successors = []
elif len(prior_zones) > 0 and len(new_zones) > 0:
successors = []
# Get index maps for the prior zones (`ps`) and new zones (`ns`).
ps_index_map = _create_index_map(grid, prior_zones)
ns_index_map = _create_index_map(grid, new_zones)
replacements = OrderedDict()
for i_p, p in enumerate(prior_zones):
# Retain a copy of the prior zone mask to compare with the new zone
# mask after the zone masks are updated.
p_mask_copy = p.mask.copy()
# Get the new zones that intersect (`i`) the prior zone.
ns_i_p = _intersecting_zones(ps_index_map == i_p, ns_index_map, new_zones)
ns_i_p_ct = len(ns_i_p)
# Get the other prior zones that intersect the new zones.
ns_mask = np.any([n.mask for n in ns_i_p], axis=0)
ps_i_ns = _intersecting_zones(ns_mask, ps_index_map, prior_zones)
ps_i_ns_ct = len(ps_i_ns)
if ps_i_ns_ct == 0:
ps_i_ns_ct = 1
ps_i_ns = p
# Get successors depending on connection type.
conn_type = _determine_connection_type(ps_i_ns_ct, ns_i_p_ct)
p_successors = _get_successors(
# Update statistics.
if conn_type in [Connection.MANY_TO_ONE, Connection.MANY_TO_MANY]:
# Copy successors to be `captured_zones`.
captured_zones = list(p_successors)
if p in captured_zones:
capture_ct += len(captured_zones)
for z in captured_zones:
captured_mask = np.all([~p_mask_copy, z.mask], 0)
area = grid.cell_area_at_node[captured_mask.flatten()].sum()
elif conn_type in [Connection.ONE_TO_MANY, Connection.MANY_TO_MANY]:
fragment_ct += ns_i_p_ct
# Set connection.
p._conn_type = conn_type
p._successors = p_successors
for key, value in replacements.items():
key._mask = value.mask
# Get unique list of successors, preserving order.
successors = Series(successors).drop_duplicates().tolist()
# Update the record.
record.increment_value("fragmentations", fragment_ct)
record.increment_value("captures", capture_ct)
record.increment_value("area_captured_sum", sum(area_captured))
old_value = record.get_value("area_captured_max")
old_value_is_nan = np.isnan(old_value)
new_value_is_greater = max(area_captured) > old_value
if old_value_is_nan or new_value_is_greater:
record.set_value("area_captured_max", max(area_captured))
return successors
def _create_index_map(grid, zones):
i = np.where([z.mask for z in zones])
index_map = np.zeros(grid.number_of_nodes, dtype=int)
index_map[:] = -1
index_map[i[1]] = i[0]
return index_map
def _intersecting_zones(condition, zone_index_map, zone_list):
mask = np.all([condition, zone_index_map > -1], 0)
indices = np.unique(zone_index_map[np.argwhere(mask)])
zones = [zone_list[i] for i in indices]
return zones
def _determine_connection_type(prior_zone_count, new_zone_count):
"""Get the connection type based on the count of prior and new zones."""
if prior_zone_count == 0:
if new_zone_count == 1:
return Connection.NONE_TO_ONE
elif prior_zone_count == 1:
if new_zone_count == 0:
return Connection.ONE_TO_NONE
elif new_zone_count == 1:
return Connection.ONE_TO_ONE
elif new_zone_count > 1:
return Connection.ONE_TO_MANY
elif prior_zone_count > 1:
if new_zone_count == 1:
return Connection.MANY_TO_ONE
elif new_zone_count > 1:
return Connection.MANY_TO_MANY
def _get_successors(
if conn_type == Connection.ONE_TO_NONE:
successors = []
elif conn_type == Connection.ONE_TO_ONE:
# The prior zone is set as the new zone because only the one new
# and the one prior overlap.
n = ns_i_p[0]
replacements[p] = n
successors = [p]
elif conn_type in [Connection.ONE_TO_MANY, Connection.MANY_TO_MANY]:
# Set the successors to the new zones that overlap p.
# Although, replace the dominant n with p.
dn = p._get_largest_intersection(ns_i_p, exclusions=list(replacements.values()))
successors = []
for n in ns_i_p:
dp = n._get_largest_intersection(
ps_i_ns, exclusions=list(replacements.keys())
if n == dn and n in replacements.values():
d = _get_replacement(replacements, n)
elif n == dn:
replacements[dp] = n
elif n in replacements.values():
d = _get_replacement(replacements, n)
replacements[dp] = n
elif conn_type == Connection.MANY_TO_ONE:
# Set the successor to the prior zone that intersects n the most.
n = ns_i_p[0]
dp = n._get_largest_intersection(ps_i_ns)
if p == dp and n in replacements.values():
successors = [_get_replacement(replacements, n)]
elif p == dp:
successors = [p]
replacements[p] = n
elif n in replacements.values():
successors = [_get_replacement(replacements, n)]
successors = [dp]
replacements[dp] = n
return successors
def _get_replacement(replacements, new_zone):
for key, value in replacements.items():
if value == new_zone:
return key
class Zone:
"""Zone object of SpeciesEvolver.
The nodes and attributes of the spatial entities that taxa populate. This
class is not intended to be managed directly.
def __init__(self, controller, mask):
"""Initialize a zone.
controller : ZoneController
A SpeciesEvolver ZoneController.
mask : ndarray
The mask of the zone. True elements of this array correspond to the
grid nodes of the zone.
self._controller = controller
self._mask = mask.flatten()
self._conn_type = None
self._successors = []
def mask(self):
"""The mask of the zone."""
return self._mask
def successors(self):
"""A list of zones connected to zone at the current time step."""
return self._successors
def area(self):
"""Zone area calculated as the sum of cell area at grid nodes."""
area = self._controller._grid.cell_area_at_node[self._mask].sum()
return area
def _get_largest_intersection(self, zones, exclusions=None):
exclusions = set() if exclusions is None else set(exclusions)
node_intersection_count = []
for z in zones:
if z in exclusions:
n = len(np.where(np.all([z.mask, self.mask], 0))[0])
if all(x == -1 for x in node_intersection_count):
return self
return zones[np.argmax(node_intersection_count)]