from abc import ABC
from abc import abstractmethod
from functools import cached_property
import numpy as np
from ...grid.linkorientation import LinkOrientation
from ...utils.decorators import read_only_array
from ..graph import Graph
class StructuredQuadLayout(ABC):
def corner_nodes(shape):
n_rows, n_cols = shape
return (n_rows * n_cols - 1, (n_rows - 1) * n_cols, 0, n_cols - 1)
def links_at_patch(shape): ...
def nodes_at_link(shape): ...
def horizontal_links(shape): ...
def vertical_links(shape): ...
def perimeter_nodes(shape): ...
def links_at_node(shape): ...
def patches_at_link(shape): ...
def link_dirs_at_node(shape): ...
def patches_at_node(shape): ...
class StructuredQuadLayoutCython(StructuredQuadLayout):
def links_at_patch(shape):
"""Get links that define patches for a raster grid.
>>> from landlab.graph.structured_quad.structured_quad import (
... StructuredQuadLayoutCython,
... )
>>> StructuredQuadLayoutCython.links_at_patch((3, 4))
array([[ 4, 7, 3, 0], [ 5, 8, 4, 1], [ 6, 9, 5, 2],
[11, 14, 10, 7], [12, 15, 11, 8], [13, 16, 12, 9]])
from .ext.at_patch import fill_links_at_patch
n_patches = (shape[0] - 1) * (shape[1] - 1)
links_at_patch = np.empty((n_patches, 4), dtype=int)
fill_links_at_patch(shape, links_at_patch)
return links_at_patch
def nodes_at_link(shape):
>>> from landlab.graph.structured_quad.structured_quad import (
... StructuredQuadLayoutCython,
... )
>>> StructuredQuadLayoutCython.nodes_at_link((3, 4))
array([[ 0, 1], [ 1, 2], [ 2, 3],
[ 0, 4], [ 1, 5], [ 2, 6], [ 3, 7],
[ 4, 5], [ 5, 6], [ 6, 7],
[ 4, 8], [ 5, 9], [ 6, 10], [ 7, 11],
[ 8, 9], [ 9, 10], [10, 11]])
from .ext.at_link import fill_nodes_at_link
n_links = shape[0] * (shape[1] - 1) + (shape[0] - 1) * shape[1]
nodes_at_link = np.empty((n_links, 2), dtype=int)
fill_nodes_at_link(shape, nodes_at_link)
return nodes_at_link
def horizontal_links(shape):
from .ext.at_link import fill_horizontal_links
n_horizontal_links = shape[0] * (shape[1] - 1)
horizontal_links = np.empty(n_horizontal_links, dtype=int)
fill_horizontal_links(shape, horizontal_links)
return horizontal_links
def vertical_links(shape):
from .ext.at_link import fill_vertical_links
n_vertical_links = (shape[0] - 1) * shape[1]
vertical_links = np.empty(n_vertical_links, dtype=int)
fill_vertical_links(shape, vertical_links)
return vertical_links
def perimeter_nodes(shape):
from .ext.at_node import fill_perimeter_nodes
n_perimeter_nodes = 2 * shape[0] + 2 * (shape[1] - 2)
perimeter_nodes = np.empty(n_perimeter_nodes, dtype=int)
fill_perimeter_nodes(shape, perimeter_nodes)
return perimeter_nodes
def links_at_node(shape):
from .ext.at_node import fill_links_at_node
n_nodes = shape[0] * shape[1]
links_at_node = np.empty((n_nodes, 4), dtype=int)
fill_links_at_node(shape, links_at_node)
return links_at_node
def patches_at_link(shape):
from .ext.at_link import fill_patches_at_link
n_links = shape[0] * (shape[1] - 1) + (shape[0] - 1) * shape[1]
patches_at_link = np.empty((n_links, 2), dtype=int)
fill_patches_at_link(shape, patches_at_link)
return patches_at_link
def link_dirs_at_node(shape):
from .ext.at_node import fill_link_dirs_at_node
n_nodes = shape[0] * shape[1]
link_dirs_at_node = np.empty((n_nodes, 4), dtype=np.int8)
fill_link_dirs_at_node(shape, link_dirs_at_node)
return link_dirs_at_node
def patches_at_node(shape):
from .ext.at_node import fill_patches_at_node
n_nodes = shape[0] * shape[1]
patches_at_node = np.empty((n_nodes, 4), dtype=int)
fill_patches_at_node(shape, patches_at_node)
return patches_at_node
class StructuredQuadLayoutPython(StructuredQuadLayout):
def links_at_patch(shape):
n_rows, n_cols = shape
n_patches = (shape[0] - 1) * (shape[1] - 1)
links_at_patch = np.empty((4, n_patches), dtype=int)
patches = np.arange(n_patches, dtype=int).reshape((n_rows - 1, n_cols - 1))
south_links = patches + np.arange(n_rows - 1).reshape((n_rows - 1, 1)) * n_cols
links_at_patch[3, :] = south_links.flat
links_at_patch[2, :] = links_at_patch[3, :] + n_cols - 1
links_at_patch[1, :] = links_at_patch[3, :] + 2 * n_cols - 1
links_at_patch[0, :] = links_at_patch[2, :] + 1
return links_at_patch.T
def nodes_at_link(shape):
n_rows, n_cols = shape
nodes_at_link = np.empty(
(2, n_rows * (n_cols - 1) + (n_rows - 1) * n_cols), dtype=int
nodes = np.arange(n_rows * n_cols, dtype=int).reshape((n_rows, n_cols))
nodes_at_link[0, -(n_cols - 1) :] = nodes[-1, :-1]
nodes_at_link[1, -(n_cols - 1) :] = nodes[-1, 1:]
head_nodes = nodes_at_link[0, : -(n_cols - 1)].reshape(
(n_rows - 1, 2 * n_cols - 1)
head_nodes[:, : n_cols - 1] = nodes[:-1, :-1]
head_nodes[:, n_cols - 1 :] = nodes[:-1, :]
tail_nodes = nodes_at_link[1, : -(n_cols - 1)].reshape(
(n_rows - 1, 2 * n_cols - 1)
tail_nodes[:, : n_cols - 1] = nodes[:-1, 1:]
tail_nodes[:, n_cols - 1 :] = nodes[1:, :]
return nodes_at_link.T
def horizontal_links(shape):
n_rows, n_cols = shape
horizontal_links = np.empty((n_rows, n_cols - 1), dtype=int)
horizontal_links[:, :] = np.arange(n_cols - 1)
horizontal_links[:, :] += np.arange(n_rows).reshape((n_rows, 1)) * (
2 * n_cols - 1
return horizontal_links.reshape(-1)
def vertical_links(shape):
n_rows, n_cols = shape
vertical_links = np.empty((n_rows - 1, n_cols), dtype=int)
vertical_links[:, :] = np.arange(n_cols) + n_cols - 1
vertical_links[:, :] += np.arange(n_rows - 1).reshape((n_rows - 1, 1)) * (
2 * n_cols - 1
return vertical_links.reshape(-1)
def perimeter_nodes(shape):
n_rows, n_cols = shape
) = StructuredQuadLayout.corner_nodes(shape)
return np.concatenate(
np.arange(southeast, northeast, n_cols),
np.arange(northeast, northwest, -1),
np.arange(northwest, southwest, -n_cols),
np.arange(southwest, southeast, 1),
def links_at_node(shape):
n_rows, n_cols = shape
links_at_node = np.empty((n_rows * n_cols, 4), dtype=int)
east_links_at_node = links_at_node[:, 0].reshape((n_rows, n_cols))[:, :-1]
east_links_at_node[:] = StructuredQuadLayoutPython.horizontal_links(
).reshape((n_rows, n_cols - 1))
west_links_at_node = links_at_node[:, 2].reshape((n_rows, n_cols))[:, 1:]
west_links_at_node[:] = StructuredQuadLayoutPython.horizontal_links(
).reshape((n_rows, n_cols - 1))
north_links_at_node = links_at_node[:, 1].reshape((n_rows, n_cols))[:-1, :]
north_links_at_node[:] = StructuredQuadLayoutPython.vertical_links(
).reshape((n_rows - 1, n_cols))
south_links_at_node = links_at_node[:, 3].reshape((n_rows, n_cols))[1:, :]
south_links_at_node[:] = StructuredQuadLayoutPython.vertical_links(
).reshape((n_rows - 1, n_cols))
) = StructuredQuadLayout.corner_nodes(shape)
bottom = slice(southwest, southeast + 1)
top = slice(northwest, northeast + 1)
left = slice(southwest, northwest + n_cols, n_cols)
right = slice(southeast, northeast + n_cols, n_cols)
for col, edge in enumerate((right, top, left, bottom)):
links_at_node[edge, col] = -1
return links_at_node
def patches_at_link(shape):
n_rows, n_cols = shape
n_links = shape[0] * (shape[1] - 1) + (shape[0] - 1) * shape[1]
n_patches = (n_rows - 1) * (n_cols - 1)
patches = np.arange(n_patches, dtype=int).reshape((n_rows - 1, n_cols - 1))
patches_at_link = np.empty((2, n_links), dtype=int)
patches_at_link[0, : n_cols - 1] = -1
patches_at_link[1, -(n_cols - 1) :] = -1
right = (0, slice(n_cols - 1, n_links))
left = (1, slice(0, -(n_cols - 1)))
for edge in (right, left):
edge_patches = patches_at_link[edge].reshape((n_rows - 1, 2 * n_cols - 1))
edge_patches[:, : n_cols - 1] = patches
edge_patches[:, n_cols - 1] = -1
edge_patches[:, -(n_cols - 1) :] = patches
return patches_at_link.T
def link_dirs_at_node(shape):
n_rows, n_cols = shape
) = StructuredQuadLayout.corner_nodes(shape)
link_dirs_at_node = np.empty((n_rows * n_cols, 4), dtype=np.int8)
link_dirs_at_node[:, 0] = -1
link_dirs_at_node[:, 1] = -1
link_dirs_at_node[:, 2] = 1
link_dirs_at_node[:, 3] = 1
bottom = slice(southwest, southeast + 1)
top = slice(northwest, northeast + 1)
left = slice(southwest, northwest + n_cols, n_cols)
right = slice(southeast, northeast + n_cols, n_cols)
for col, edge in enumerate((right, top, left, bottom)):
link_dirs_at_node[edge, col] = 0
return link_dirs_at_node
def patches_at_node(shape):
n_rows, n_cols = shape
patches_at_node = np.empty((4, n_rows * n_cols), dtype=int)
ne = (slice(n_rows - 1), slice(n_cols - 1))
nw = (slice(n_rows - 1), slice(1, n_cols))
sw = (slice(1, n_rows), slice(1, n_cols))
se = (slice(1, n_rows), slice(n_cols - 1))
patches = np.arange((n_rows - 1) * (n_cols - 1), dtype=int).reshape(
(n_rows - 1, n_cols - 1)
for col, nodes in enumerate((ne, nw, sw, se)):
patches_at_node[col].reshape((n_rows, n_cols))[nodes] = patches
) = StructuredQuadLayout.corner_nodes(shape)
bottom = slice(southwest, southeast + 1)
top = slice(northwest, northeast + 1)
left = slice(southwest, northwest + n_cols, n_cols)
right = slice(southeast, northeast + n_cols, n_cols)
patches_at_node[0, right] = -1
patches_at_node[0, top] = -1
patches_at_node[1, left] = -1
patches_at_node[1, top] = -1
patches_at_node[2, left] = -1
patches_at_node[2, bottom] = -1
patches_at_node[3, right] = -1
patches_at_node[3, bottom] = -1
return patches_at_node.T
class StructuredQuadGraphTopology:
_layout = StructuredQuadLayoutCython
def __init__(self, shape):
self._shape = tuple(shape)
def shape(self):
return self._shape
def number_of_node_rows(self):
return self._shape[0]
def number_of_node_columns(self):
return self._shape[1]
def nodes(self):
"""A shaped array of node ids.
Node IDs in an array shaped as *number_of_node_rows* by
return np.arange(self.shape[0] * self.shape[1]).reshape(self.shape)
def nodes_at_right_edge(self):
return np.arange(self.shape[1] - 1,, self.shape[1])
def nodes_at_top_edge(self):
return np.arange(self.number_of_nodes - self.shape[1],
def nodes_at_left_edge(self):
return np.arange(0,, self.shape[1])
def nodes_at_bottom_edge(self):
return np.arange(self.shape[1])
def nodes_at_edge(self, edge):
if edge not in ("right", "top", "left", "bottom"):
raise ValueError("value for edge not understood")
return getattr(self, f"nodes_at_{edge}_edge")
def nodes_at_corners_of_grid(self):
"""Nodes at corners of grid.
The nodes at at the corners of the grid. The nodes are returned
counterclockwise starting with the upper-right.
tuple of int
Nodes at the four corners.
>>> from landlab.graph import UniformRectilinearGraph
>>> graph = UniformRectilinearGraph((4, 5))
>>> graph.nodes_at_corners_of_grid
(19, 15, 0, 4)
return (
self.number_of_nodes - 1,
self.number_of_nodes - self.number_of_node_columns,
self.number_of_node_columns - 1,
def nodes_at_link(self):
return self._layout.nodes_at_link(self.shape)
def horizontal_links(self):
return self._layout.horizontal_links(self.shape)
def vertical_links(self):
return self._layout.vertical_links(self.shape)
def corner_nodes(self):
n_rows, n_cols = self.shape
return np.asarray(
(n_rows * n_cols - 1, (n_rows - 1) * n_cols, 0, n_cols - 1), dtype=int
def perimeter_nodes(self):
return self._layout.perimeter_nodes(self.shape)
def links_at_node(self):
return self._layout.links_at_node(self.shape)
def link_dirs_at_node(self):
return self._layout.link_dirs_at_node(self.shape)
def patches_at_link(self):
return self._layout.patches_at_link(self.shape)
def patches_at_node(self):
return self._layout.patches_at_node(self.shape)
class StructuredQuadGraph(StructuredQuadGraphExtras):
def __init__(self, coords, shape=None, sort=False):
node_y, node_x = (
np.asarray(coords[0], dtype=float),
np.asarray(coords[1], dtype=float),
if shape:
node_y.shape = shape
node_x.shape = shape
node_x.shape = node_y.shape
if node_y.shape != node_x.shape:
raise ValueError("shape mismatch in node x and y coordinates")
StructuredQuadGraphExtras.__init__(self, (node_y, node_x), sort=sort)
def setup_node_y_and_x(yx_at_node, shape=None):
node_y = np.asarray(yx_at_node[0], dtype=float)
node_x = np.asarray(yx_at_node[1], dtype=float)
if shape:
node_y.shape = shape
node_x.shape = shape
node_x.shape = node_y.shape
if node_y.shape != node_x.shape:
raise ValueError("shape mismatch in node x and y coordinates")
return (node_y, node_x)
class RectilinearGraph(StructuredQuadGraphExtras):
"""Graph of a rectlinear grid of nodes.
>>> from landlab.graph import RectilinearGraph
>>> graph = RectilinearGraph(([0, 1, 2, 3], [1, 4, 8]))
>>> graph.number_of_nodes
>>> graph.y_of_node.reshape(graph.shape)
array([[0., 0., 0.],
[1., 1., 1.],
[2., 2., 2.],
[3., 3., 3.]])
>>> graph.x_of_node.reshape(graph.shape)
array([[1., 4., 8.],
[1., 4., 8.],
[1., 4., 8.],
[1., 4., 8.]])
def __init__(self, nodes, sort=False):
rows = np.asarray(nodes[0], dtype=float)
cols = np.asarray(nodes[1], dtype=float)
node_y_and_x = np.meshgrid(rows, cols, indexing="ij")
StructuredQuadGraphExtras.__init__(self, node_y_and_x, sort=sort)
def setup_node_y_and_x(coords):
rows = np.asarray(coords[0], dtype=float)
cols = np.asarray(coords[1], dtype=float)
return np.meshgrid(rows, cols, indexing="ij")
class UniformRectilinearGraph(StructuredQuadGraphExtras):
"""Graph of a structured grid of quadrilaterals.
>>> from landlab.graph import UniformRectilinearGraph
>>> graph = UniformRectilinearGraph((4, 3), spacing=(1, 2), origin=(-1, 0))
>>> graph.number_of_nodes
>>> graph.y_of_node.reshape(graph.shape)
array([[-1., -1., -1.],
[ 0., 0., 0.],
[ 1., 1., 1.],
[ 2., 2., 2.]])
>>> graph.x_of_node.reshape(graph.shape)
array([[0., 2., 4.],
[0., 2., 4.],
[0., 2., 4.],
[0., 2., 4.]])
>>> graph.links_at_node
array([[ 0, 2, -1, -1], [ 1, 3, 0, -1], [-1, 4, 1, -1],
[ 5, 7, -1, 2], [ 6, 8, 5, 3], [-1, 9, 6, 4],
[10, 12, -1, 7], [11, 13, 10, 8], [-1, 14, 11, 9],
[15, -1, -1, 12], [16, -1, 15, 13], [-1, -1, 16, 14]])
>>> graph.link_dirs_at_node
array([[-1, -1, 0, 0], [-1, -1, 1, 0], [ 0, -1, 1, 0],
[-1, -1, 0, 1], [-1, -1, 1, 1], [ 0, -1, 1, 1],
[-1, -1, 0, 1], [-1, -1, 1, 1], [ 0, -1, 1, 1],
[-1, 0, 0, 1], [-1, 0, 1, 1], [ 0, 0, 1, 1]], dtype=int8)
>>> graph.nodes_at_link
array([[ 0, 1], [ 1, 2], [ 0, 3], [ 1, 4], [ 2, 5],
[ 3, 4], [ 4, 5], [ 3, 6], [ 4, 7], [ 5, 8],
[ 6, 7], [ 7, 8], [ 6, 9], [ 7, 10], [ 8, 11],
[ 9, 10], [10, 11]])
>>> graph.links_at_patch
array([[ 3, 5, 2, 0], [ 4, 6, 3, 1],
[ 8, 10, 7, 5], [ 9, 11, 8, 6],
[13, 15, 12, 10], [14, 16, 13, 11]])
>>> graph.nodes_at_patch
array([[ 4, 3, 0, 1], [ 5, 4, 1, 2],
[ 7, 6, 3, 4], [ 8, 7, 4, 5],
[10, 9, 6, 7], [11, 10, 7, 8]])
def spacing(self):
return self._spacing
def origin(self):
return self._origin
def dx(self):
return self._spacing[1]
def dy(self):
return self._spacing[0]